Sunday, May 26, 2019

Making room

I woke up early, took the Purozyme and went back to bed. Between the AC unit and hot flashes, I was either too cold or too hot. It was not conducive to sleep. I got up about 7 and started my morning ritual. I washed up and got dressed. When that was over, I checked on my father. He was dressed and sitting on the bed. We walked out to the den where he put his shoes on. I fed him two fat bombs. Then he made himself breakfast and I made my breakfast. I watched an interview from the digital dementia summit. I paused it several times to help Dad. When the interview was over, it was just after 10. We got Dad and his stuff in the car and headed to church. But on the way, Dad found that his glasses case was empty. So Chris turned around and went back to get his glasses.
When we finally got to church, Chris let us off at the door. Dad pushed his rollator down the sidewalk and up the ramp. I held the door so he could go inside. The choir was already warming up. We went in, but didn't find the right spot in the music until the last note. Oh well.
People greeted us warmly. I turned Dad over to Faye who got him situated in the first pew. I sat with Chris on the other side in the second pew. The bell choir rang a pretty medley. It was nice to be in church with Chris. He held the hymnal and sang the songs with me. When the choir assembled up front, Faye put a chair up and got Dad seated in it. Then they sang the anthem, which was pretty long and very syncopated.
After the service, Chris and I talked to Sandy for some time. He explained to her that he was going to Honduras in June for 2 or 3 months. I was shocked because that wasn't my understanding of what he said to me several weeks ago. Good thing we had this conversation.
Chris went to the fellowship hall to get me a cup of water. I drank it and he brought me another one. Then Sandy and I walked over to greet people. A retired pastor I had never met started talking to me and went on and on. I nodded at Chris and he came over and took up the conversation so I could sit down. I talked to Faye and Judy for awhile. I also greeted Larry. Then we had to go.
Dad rode with Faye and I rode with Chris. We went to Subway. Michele called and I talked to her while Faye and Chris did the ordering. Faye gave Dad an Ensure to drink while she ordered. Dad started drinking it, but fell asleep and dropped it. Chris cleaned it up with paper napkins. Dad got a bunch of subs (for today and the rest of the week). Chris ordered me a salad. We talked as we ate. Then Faye pulled up the van and she loaded Dad in. I got in with Chris and we followed them back to Dad's house.
Faye had a list and went around the house checking for what Dad needed. Dad fell asleep in the chair while Faye went shopping. I read e-mail and Chris made rice pudding to use up the milk Dad had left which was past the date. Faye came home with groceries and somehow managed to get them in the fridge.
Faye wanted to rearrange the utility room to make more space for the rollator to go through. But there was heavy stuff in the way. The freezer was in an odd place, but due to the length of cord and the outlet, we could not move it. But she did get another 3 inches of clearance. I didn't do much because of my back and foot. I almost had Chris fire up the mower so I could cut the front lawn, but then came to my senses.
Faye stayed until Dad gave her his checkbook so she could write herself a check for the food. I also wrote her a check for the usual cleaning and cooking. By the time she left, it was after 7. I ate some chicken and liver. Dad had chicken, then we both ate some rice pudding. Chris tried it, too. William came over to check out the utility room. I don't know if he moved anything or not. He talked about his experience with fracturing a metatarsal. Patrick came back from somewhere and he tried the rice pudding. The three of us talked about fixing the Electrolux. I looked up repair videos. William went home. Patrick watched some of the videos with me, but lost interest. I did not quite find the info I was looking for.
When I realized how late it was, I sat down to quickly type up my blog post so I could turn in at a reasonable hour. Ha.
* A pic from show-n-tell last week. *

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