Saturday, May 25, 2019

Fat-n-protein bombs

I woke up early with hot flashes. I tried to go back to sleep but finally got up and did lower back exercises. I puttered around, out of my element. I took a shower, and supplements. I had Chris treat me for magnesium. Then I made and ate breakfast.
Digital Dementia summit: Being on a digital device all day leads to too much stimulation of the left brain. This creates imbalance. Getting outside and moving and interacting with people builds brain cells and makes children smart. Too much left brain activity leads to outbursts of anger and frustration. Right brain is the side that does reality checks.
We gathered stuff together to take to the car. Chris took most of it out while I checked for anything left behind. We checked out and stopped for gas before getting back on the road. We resumed our book on CD. Chris stopped at a Hardees for a breakfast sandwich. It took a long time so I got out and stretched my legs. When the book ended, we started another one. I nearly fell asleep several times, but Chris ran a tire off the road
We arrived mid-afternoon, just as the book on CD finished. Dad was in a confused state. I encouraged him to eat a fat bomb, chicken, and a protein shake. I also gave him some mineral drops. I found two bills: one wasn't due for weeks and the other was way over due. I wrote checks to cover them and Dad signed the checks. I got them ready to go in the mail. Then I found a bill that is due in 5 days. I paid it online with my credit card and Dad gave me cash. Chris showed me a note on the door that said the visiting nurse came by on Thursday but Dad never answered the door. Maybe we need a sign that says “Knock loudly”? Dad says the nurse told the PT and OT not to come anymore, thinking that is what Dad wanted.
Chris dropped Patrick off at Subway and went to the store for liver and onions and also got me three containers of coconut oil and a large whey protein. He put the liver in one pan and the onions in another and stuck the pans in the oven.
I mixed the coconut oil with the whey protein and made protein/fat bombs. I used an egg carton from recycling. When one batch hardened in the fridge, I popped them out and made another batch. I put the hard ones in baggies in the freezer. There were a lot of the white fat bombs left from 4 months ago. Someone hasn't been eating his fat bombs.
I ate liver and onions for supper with a bit of kimchi. Dad ate a sub with a bit of liver. Chris made a cheese and onion sandwich.
Dad sorted through a bunch of cords. I think he was looking for the cord that was plugged into his shaver. I moved all the other cords out of the way. It took him a while to feel like he was ready to shave. I read e-mail for awhile. When he was done, his left side was still hairy. Then he took stuff out of his pockets and I asked Chris to give him a shower. I sat down to write to my blog. I also listened to a podcast. When it was over, I posted to my blog and intended to go to bed – unless Dad needs me.

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