Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Delightful surprise

I made up a week's worth of supplements last night so I got to bed late. I woke up in the middle of the night but somehow fell asleep again and didn't get up until 8:20.
I brushed and swished. I put on the heavy stiff-soled shoes. I hope they are worth having hot feet. I listened to an Esther Hicks audio while I made more green powder mix.
I read an article on orthorexia. A quote from Karin Kratina, PhD, RD, LD/N:
”Orthorexia appears to be motivated by health, but there are underlying motivations, which can include safety from poor health, compulsion for complete control, escape from fears, wanting to be thin, mproving self-esteem, searching for spirituality through food, and using food to create an identity.
This is not a joke. It is considered an eating disorder.
Chris texted me to see how I was doing. We texted back and forth. I finished the Esther Hicks audio and played another one while I ate and played Solitaire. I bagged up the garbage and put it on the front porch. I read about digital strip searching; where border agents can demand your phone and password and access whatever you have on it, plus whatever your apps give them access to. They don't need a warrant or state a reason. I posted an article about it on Facebook so other people can be aware.
I made seed crackers. While they baked, I looked up how I made cheese from goat milk so I could tell the chiropractor tomorrow. I had to read a lot of my blog posts from August 2015 to find out how I did it. After 20 minutes, I turned the oven off, but left the crackers in to get crisp.
I caught a baby rabbit eating my petunias. When I banged on the door, he scooted under a bush, where there might be a nest. I put the trash in the can and drove to church. I entered all the offering info on the church computer and printed out the reports. Then I took the money to the bank and deposited it. The farmer's market was not far away, but I decided it was too much walking.
On the way home I took a small detour. I drove to the back of the neighborhood where the police car sometimes parks. I waded through the brush to check on the peony bush. It was in full bloom. I was glad I hadn't waited any longer to check on it. I picked two blooms and drove home. Wading through the brush is probably a no-no, but it was a sight I didn't want to miss.
When I got back, I moved my rolling chair out to the sidewalk. I transplanted petunias into different pots and placed them on the wire stand to get them out of the rabbit's reach. Then I watered all of the plants in my care.
I took the seed crackers out of the oven. They were a little over-done. I went out back and picked some dandelion and soaked salad greens in a tub. I checked e-mail, then called Dad. He seemed a little harried and confused. But he was able to hold a conversation.
I went looking for a piece of gray fleece for the shark project, and found one, but it wasn't big enough. I know somewhere I have more. But finding it might involve moving heavy boxes.
I washed the greens and made salad. After I ate, I got ready to watch a movie. Then Chris called. We talked, but not for long because he was getting ready for bed. Then I watched a DVD called Epic. It wasn't bad at all for an animated movie. I looked up some of the voices. I took the last of the supplements and wrote to my blog.

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