Friday, May 31, 2019

28 years old today

I got up a little after 7 to take my first supplement and then I went back to bed. I got up later to finish the course and take a shower. After getting dressed, I sat at my laptop until almost 10. Then I went downstairs to be available when Cecily was ready to go to the Asian market.
At 10, we went to the Asian market for clams and shrimp. I got a can of coconut milk and a young coconut. Chris and Al dropped us women off at the house to handle the seafood, while they went to another grocery store for a few other things. Carol and Cecily talked about how to cook the clams and make the soup.
I made and ate breakfast in the dining room. Chris and Al came back and Chris started making brownies. I went upstairs to use my laptop. I read e-mail and watched videos. I bought a Groupon for a massage and had to talk to customer service about getting it redeeemed. In the end I made an appointment for next week.
At an interval after breakfast, I asked Chris to open the coconut. He sawed the top off and gave it to me. I drank the water out of it and scraped all the meat out with a spoon. It was a young coconut so there wasn't much meat. And that was lunch.
I went back to my laptop. I was listened to a video when I heard Marie come home. She was tired and laid down for a nap. I stayed with my laptop until I heard Michele arrive. Then I went down to talk to her. We all sat comfortably in the liviing room, except for Cecily and Carol who were working in the kitchen.
When we sat down to supper, there was a large pot of Rhode Island clam chowder, which Michele had requested. It was made without milk or tomatoes. And it was very good. There were also Red Lobster cheese rolls, fried rice, and shrimp. And wedges of lemon. Everyone remarked about how good it was. For dessert, Chris had made a pan of dark chocolate brownies with cream cheese patches. There was heavy cream for Michele to pour over hers and ice cream for the rest. I brought down what Faye brought for Michele and the bag with the shark. She opened Faye's card first. She rolled her eyes expecting it to play music when she opened it. But it didn't. On the last page, there were little flaps to open. Michele read each one out loud as she opened it. When she opened the last one... it played music. I did not recognize the song, but we all laughed.
Michele read the rest of the cards. Cecily gave her a set of steak knives. Then I stood back with my camera to catch her expression when she opened the bag with the shark. She liked it! She said she was going to use it at Comicon.
Carol cleared the table. We stayed to talk. Then Marie and Cecily went to bed. Chris and Michele moved to the living room to watch the food channel. Al and I talked about Korea and Vietnam. Then I went upstairs to the computer room. Rowan was asleep on the bed. I wanted to finish a video and post to my blog before Michele came up to spend the night. But she arrived before I finished. She tickled Rowan's feet with no success. Then she lifted the blanket until Rowan reluctantly moved off the bed. I unplugged my laptop and moved to the living room so Michele could sleep. Chris was already in our bed. I finished my blog downstairs and got ready for bed.
* Nothing says "Don't mess with me" like having a predator hanging on your shoulder. *

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