Thursday, May 2, 2019

Quilting, finally

I got up early because my back ached. My foot seemed better. Go figure. It was about 6:30. I brushed and swished. I washed up and went to get dressed. But I laid down instead, feeling better, but still tired.
It wasn't long before my alarm went off and I got up again. I boiled water and soaked sprouts. I turned on the router to listen to the last episode of Money Revealed.
The first interview was about how easy it is to make money on Amazon. The second one was about swing trading. But I did not understand enough of the terminology to follow it well. And there was a bonus interview as well. But there wasn't time to finish it.
I got dressed and watered the plants. I wanted to print the recipe for the seed crackers but my desktop claimed not to know anything about it.
Then I went to the doctor. In the laser room, I had to peel off the wrapping that Dr. Grace put on my foot. Then the assistant lasered my foot. I put the wrapping back on, but it didn't stick well. She took me to the decompression room where I laid on a table for 12 minutes, having my spine stretched. (I don't really feel like it's doing any good.)
Then the doctor put me in Exam room 3. It only had one table so I wondered if I didn't need the drop table. But as it turned out, this one table does both jobs. He remembered me and said he liked the seed cracker. I promised to bring the recipe. (I may have to photocopy mine). He adjusted my neck and back. He reminded me again of an app called Carb Manager that he is very impressed with. He said I could rotate my feet in slow circles, but no other exercise. I went to the front desk to pay for the services for this week. And then I drove home.
I found three missed calls on my phone (which I had forgotten to bring with me). I listened to the messages. Only one needed to be called back. I made breakfast and ate it while finishing up the bonus interview. I played Seahaven Towers, which is a form of solitaire. I got two new victory images in a row! Usually it takes several dozen games to unlock a new image.
Then I went outside with a magnifying glass. I focused the sun's rays on my foot in the same pattern as the laser. But then the sun became uncooperative.
After I went in, I called Cecelia back. She was checking on me because I missed choir last night. She shared that the organist got fired so we have a substitute organist lined up.
I found the seed cracker recipe on my laptop and e-mailed it to my desktop. But then the desktop said I had several copies of it already. ??? I printed one out and put it in the chiropractic folder.
I found some matching thread for the banner and quilted around the freezer paper circle. As a no brainer, I stitched in the ditch around the border. Then I used rulers to line up painter's tape along the straight lines that I wanted to quilt. I had to pin the tape because it didn't stick well enough. Inadvertently, I pinned fabric scraps to the back at the same time because I could not clear a big enough space on my cutting table. But thankfully, I noticed that before I sewed through them.
My neck was tight and stiff from the effort of following the quilting lines so closely. So I stopped for lunch. I drank a mug of Vitamin C and bone broth. And I ate some pork with kimchi. I also took the lunch supplements.
I listened to other audios as I went through my e-mail. Chris came home from work. He had nothing for me from the post office. I looked up the chemical formula for magnesium bicarbonate. I also looked for ways to speed healing and came across the suggestion of a castor oil pack.
I made and ate salad, I had to pick out all the slimy wilted leaves so it took a while. I checked e-mail until 7. My tapping buddy called. We did some tapping and visualization for her. Then Chris and I watched two episodes of ST:NG and looked up some of the characters. He went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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