Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Great Disappointment

I woke up with the early rays of daylight. I tried to go back to sleep. I was tired. But I had to get up for a quick trip and that was enough to tell me my foot was not good. It was very disheartening. I followed the morning schedule anyway. I wrestled with the question of whether or not to go to church. Fatigue won and I texted the choir director that I wasn't coming.
I took a shower and got dressed. Chris texted from the airport. I cleaned the countertops and stove top. I made some turmeric and ginger tea. I ground up some chia seed and mixed it with water and soap, hoping to make shampoo. I put it in my shampoo bottle in the shower area. Chris arrived. I told him how sad and disappointed I was that my foot wasn't any better after all. He left a card on my computer and went to unpack. I opened the card and read what he wrote about me being a good mom. Tears came to my eyes. Then he sat and comforted me. One thing led to another...
And then it was almost noon. I made and ate breakfast. Michele called from the bloodmobile to say Happy Mother's Day. I asked questions about her apartment, but all I got were one-word answers. Then she had to run.
Chris had me write what I wanted from the grocery store. Then he wrote some things down and went to Publix. I finished reading e-mail and turned to the shark. I stuffed the fins and pinned them in place. I found a piece of white fabric and cut straps from them. I ironed pieces of interfacing to cover each strap, then folded them in fourths lengthwise. My neighbor came over to borrow a potato masher.
I stitched down the side to hold the layers in place. Then I pinned the straps to the shark and handbasted everything in place. Then I sewed around the body and turned it inside out through the mouth. It looked shark-like at that point. I got some fluff to stuff the tail with.
Chris had roasted beef in the oven and cooked rice. I laid the shark aside to have supper, and take the intended supplements. I also ate some pickled garlic with the beef. I watched videos on good sleeping posture. I checked out homemade shampoo recipes. I poured over the list of items that the naturopath says I am allergic or sensitive to.
When Chris was ready, we sat in the living room to watch The Good Place. There were 7 episodes on the DVD and we had already seen 3, so we watched the rest. Then I went to Netflix to put the next DVD in our queue. But it looked like we could stream it instead of ordering it on CD. He made his lunch and went to bed. I stayed up to blog.
* At some point today I realized that my bursitis is gone. I wondered if one of the adjustments did it? *

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