Wednesday, May 22, 2019

First coffee morning in months

I slept with moonstones from Jennifer under my pillow. She said hers stones helped her sleep better. I am not certain if they worked for me.
I got up when the alarm went off. I started my supplement schedule. I treated myself for sensitivities to EMF and other non-native frequencies using a piece of paper with the words written on it. I know, it seems even more woo-woo than holding the offending substance in one's hand, but the doctor said that is how EMF's are treated.
I ran the vacuum because the lower back exercises are to be done on the floor and it was dirty! When the supplement morning schedule was complete, I turned to the coffee morning schedule. There was no rebounding because the chiropractor said no more rebounding for me – ever. I also modified the exercises due to the limitations of my foot. I got a lot of tapping and meditating done, though.
Afterwards, I cleaned the bathrooms. Then I turned on the router and made breakfast. I ate while sifting through e-mail. Then I laid out in the sun for awhile. After another round of e-mail, I ate some chicken and pickled garlic as lunch.
Chris came home while I was watching a video. After the video, I added some quilting to the banner. Then I went to the Korean clinic at 5. Traffic was really bad. Dr. Lee wanted me to verify that he had all the papers for his application and that everything was filled out properly. I did that and filled in a few blanks. Then he gave me two boxes, one of jujube juice and one of onion juice. She gave me bottled water. I let them know I was going to be away for awhile, and I left. Traffic was a little lighter on the way home.
I drank a packet of onion juice when I got home. When Chris was done making his supper, I made a bunch of salad. I ate it while watching John Bergman videos. He is a chiropractic doctor in California who addresses topics like sleep, high blood pressure, etc. He says discs can regenerate, but not in the presence of NSAIDs. He also said the cure for insomnia is to go to bed at 10pm and get up at 4:30am for 21 days in a row. After 5 days the insomniac will be sleeping soundly. (That last part sounds great, but the 4:30 wake-up call - not so much)
Chris made his lunch, and then we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris closed the doors and turned on the AC. He went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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