Sunday, May 5, 2019


Before I went to bed, I finished watching a short video about how to improvise a Body Blade from a narrow strip of vinyl siding from the hardware store. Apparently it gives you a great workout and you can do it standing in place with no bending or stretching.
When the video was over, the same people (physical therapists) had another video on the 10 things you shouldn't do if you have a herniated disc. So I had to watch that, too. Yoga was one. Shoveling snow another. But mostly the usual suspects. At the end, they talked about rolling up a sheet and tying it around your waist before you go to bed. Then you get lumbar support when flat, and when lying on your side. It sounded great. I couldn't find a sheet that wasn't part of a set. So I got a thin blanket. I rolled it up, but it wasn't long enough to tie. However, I laid it across the bed where it would hit my lower back in either position. And I went to sleep.
I woke up in the night. To get back to sleep, I tried the relaxation mudra. It is a hand position that stimulates acupressure points. I think it helped. I'd fall asleep, my hands would relax out of position and I'd wake up again.
I heard my alarm go off, but did not get up right away because my back ached. I was up by 8, brushing and drinking water, I took a shower and put on the closest nice outfit. My footies smelled, so I washed them by hand and put on another pair, which were in terrible shape. I printed a new supplement spreadsheet. I read e-mail on my phone because it was easier to reach than the router. I ate a fat bomb and some nuts. I packed the breakfast supplements in a small plastic bottle. I found some quilt tops that needed to go to Renegades. My purse was all worn out so I packed only what I needed into a blue quilted bag.
I drove to church with a water bottle behind my back for lumbar support. I parked in a handicapped space. My idea was to walk in, sit down. Then after the service, walk out. Period. Ha. Ha. I walked in and was greeted by people so I stood to converse. Then I took my seat by Don, who was so happy to see me. Cecilia was also there. I gave her the flute cleaning rod and she gave me the price plus some bobbins and sewing machine needles that she had found. Jennifer came over and asked if I was going to sing with the choir. But I said no. That would be more walking.
I wasn't going to go to communion either. But during the service, Don whispered to me that he was feeling a little unsteady and might need to lean on me to get to the rail. This man has been through so much. I just couldn't say no. But I told God that I wanted the closest spots. And we got the spots right next to them. He did not lean on me after all.
After the service, Jennifer said she hoped to see me Wednesday night. Cecelia showed me the anthem for next Sunday. Out in the vestibule, I shook hands with the pastor and then other people were gathering around to talk to me. Scott invited Chris and I to lunch next Sunday. Ron went into the cloak room and pulled out a four-footed cane. He shortened it to where I could use it. I used to to walk to my car. It was ok.
I drove from the church to Renegades. Lynette pulled out a chair for me right by the door. I turned in two quilt tops and a bag of fleece strips. I bought two dozen eggs from Tina. The ladies were getting ready for lunch. I waited for the line to thin, then walked into the kitchen. Lynette carried my plate for me. We sat at the table and chatted. It was nice to be with the group again.
After lunch, I took my leave and went home. I put the eggs in the fridge and turned on the router. I put my foot on the chillow to cool it off after it's long morning. Later, while listening to an Esther Hicks interview, I moved the chillow to my back and put my foot on a heating pad.
I called Chris and told him he should be checking on me. He was watching a movie with Michele. I did some clearing for any sensitivity to cacao. Then I went outside to enjoy the sunshine for a bit.
I guess that made me sleepy so I laid down. I might have fallen asleep, but it seemed like the mental chatter never stopped. I got up and thought I might have a bite to eat. But I got sidetracked with the banner. I pinned a paper cross in the middle and sewed around that. Then I used masking tape to make two long, straight lines down the center. I quilted them. Then I changed thread color and sewed around the circles. I noticed that my wrist hurt from using the cane.
I stopped for lunch and realized it was 5pm. I ate pork and kimchi. Julia came over with a plant for me to water while she is away. I had never seen a lavender tree before. We talked for some time outside. When she asked if there was anything she could do for me, I told her that my eye chart had fallen and I couldn't put it back up. So she came in and re-hung it. Then we talked again, covering a wide range of subjects.
Finally she went home to pack. It was too late for supper, I watched several episodes of Frazier. I read some e-mail. I swished while cleaning the toilet. That was probably not on the list of approved activities but I had never seen it so dirty. Then I sat down to write my blog. Chris texted that he was at the hotel and going to bed. That sounded like a mighty fine idea.
* This quilt was hand-pieced by a lady at the library yesterday. *

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