Friday, May 3, 2019

I passed the test

I got up early again. I wrote two checks. I put one in an envelop with a birthday card. I texted my neighbor and asked her to put it in the mailbox. She came over later to get it and asked if there was anything else she could do. The other check went into a church envelop.
I read e-mail while cooling my foot on the chillow. In spite of what the doctor said, my foot was swelling and I had to do something that made sense to me. Later I put the chillow behind my back and put a castor oil pack on my foot and wrapped a heating pad around it.
I tapped for a good outcome at the doctor's office. Then I packed a book to read in the waiting room and went to see the naturopath.
I had just sat down and opened the book when Dr. Jarvis opened the door and beckoned me back. In a little room, she tested me for brain-body balance. I passed that test, so she moved on to egg-chicken-feathers. I had done several rounds for egg yesterday but tested weak today so she did the egg-chicken-feather treatment. As she did it, we talked. She said she loves trying new recipes so I mentioned the seed crackers and she said she would like a copy of the recipe. She recommended a homeopathic remedy called Relief-tone for healing bones. She said it was good for teeth, too. So I bought a bottle. There was someone paying at the front desk so I sat in the waiting room until it was my turn. I paid for the treatment and the little blue bottle. When I got to the car, I took some Relief-tone and then drove home.
When I got home, I printed out a copy of the seed cracker recipe and put it in the yellow folder. I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. Then I went outside with a magnifying glass to concentrate sunlight on my foot. My foot didn't feel a thing. But I tried it on a mole on my leg and it hurt immediately.
I watched videos on mudras for various things like allergies and insomnia. I drew a center motif for the banner. I had some pork, kimchi and pickled garlic for lunch.
Chris came home. All he had were ads from the mail. I rolled outside to work with the plants. I watered everything, and transplanted a few things into larger pots. Chris put in a load of laundry then went to the grocery store. I listened to some tapping audios and started the second load of laundry. Chris came home with groceries and put them away. I made a salad and realized that he hadn't bought a full salad set. I ate the salad while listening to a podcast on the role of macronutrients in fat storage.
I paused it when Chris was ready to watch TV. We had a DVD from Netflix which contained episodes of a show called “The Good Place” with Ted Danson. We watched two of them. Then Chris and I folded laundry together. I put mine away. I watched Chris pack for his trip. I am not usually sad when he leaves, but tonight I was.
He went to bed and I stayed up to blog. I was going to finish the podcast, but I think I will let it go till tomorrow.

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