Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Shark's teeth

I heard my alarm go off at 7:30 but the ring was cut short. I don't know why. I got up about 8. While swishing, I made more chia-flax mix. I printed out another sheet of my supplement regimen. I saw my book sitting in front of the laptop and it reminded me that I was going to answer the questions. It was a test to determine what neurotransmitters were out of balance. Answering the questions took a while, and then I read a few pages about the results.
I did one treatment for sensitivity to beef. I pulled hair and threads from the wheels of the rolling chair. I mashed some colostrum powder with coconut oil for a gut-healing fat bomb. I also made a drink of vit C, bone broth, turmeric and ginger. I finished the rounds for beef.
I listened to Interconnected, talking about faecal transplantation for c. diff. Apparently for it to make a longterm difference, the patient has to eat what the donor ate. Then I made and ate breakfast. I read more e-mail and watched a short video. I noticed it was suddenly raining and my car windows were down.
I took a shower and washed my hair with the shampoo I made recently. It seemed to work ok. I dried off and got dressed. I set a fan in the bathroom to dry it out before the mildew grew. I read e-mail while my hair dried somewhat.
Then I picked up a towel and went to my car. The seat was wet so I covered it with the towel. I went to the Korean clinic. They were happy to see me. He busied me with filling out forms and making sure he had them all and knew where each form should go. They have decided to move to Georgia and practice there. She handed me some letters from the state about car insurance. So I had to call and get that straight. She went and got me a package of kimbap. She also gave me a bag of moringa tea bags.
When I got home, I finished the kimbap with kimchi and took the lunch supplements. I saved the colored radish pieces for Chris. When he got home, he said there was no house mail and that he didn't get to the post office before it closed.
I ironed a strip of stabilizer to a piece of white felt. At least I hope it was white felt. It was a little softer and might have been dense, low loft batting. I cut the strip off. I read e-mail and cut the strip into shark teeth. I handsewed them to the shark's mouth.
I was tired so I laid down for a few minutes, which turned into a few minutes too many. I got up and hurried to church. The meeting was already in progress. They were kind enough to have it in the sanctuary which is closer for me. The council president was getting a list of what each of the stewardship members does. Apparently someone has a problem with more than one person knowing what each person gives. They want one financial secretary to do it all. Lars pointed out that we need a backup person in case something happens to that one person.
The meeting was drawn to a close so some of us could go to choir practice. The choir practiced a song for this Sunday, then went up front to sing it like on Sunday morning. I sat on the kneelers to sing. Then everyone who was leaving for Memorial Day was excused. I gave Jennifer a bag with her jars in it. She gave me some dandelion blooms. She said there were more blooming in front of the church. But when I got out there, the lawn looked freshly cut.
I got in my car and drove home. It was almost 8. I made a salad to eat so I could take my supper supplements. Chris cued up Lucifer and we watched two episodes. I started writing my blog post. I stopped to look up Lillith, who was mentioned as Adam's first wife, before Eve. Interesting legend. I wondered if the character Lillith in the show, Frazier, was named after her. Then I finished my post and went to bed.
* My friend Myra made this. *

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