Thursday, July 11, 2019

Extra sleep cycle

My phone rang at 7:30 but I was able to go back to sleep and get another sleep cycle in. I got up just before 9. I took supplements and swished. I saw a cockroach lying on its back. I got a flyswatter and smacked it, but the swatter was old and brittle and it broke. I never found the body.
I deleted the first round of e-mail and started checking what was left. I washed up and got dressed. I made and ate breakfast while listening to a podcast. Then I cut another binding strip and folded the quilt into a bag. I also packed some things to work on with Elaine.
I went to quilting, arriving before the rain hit. There weren't as many ladies as I expected and I found a seat right away. I showed the Sew-signment flyer to Pat and announced it to the group. I was told to post it on the group Facebook page. Pat asked me to print some labels for her. I set up my machine and sewed on the binding, both sides, by machine. By then it was raining cats and dogs and everyone but Christy had left. So I packed up and we left at the same time.
The rain slowed down soon after I left. I drove to church to enter the offering on the computer. I worked quickly so I would be finished when Elaine showed up. But then she texted that she wanted to wait until next week. So I took my time printing the reports. Finally I took the deposit to the bank.
When I got home I checked the house mail. Nothing. I ate some seed crackers and nut cheese and took the lunch supplements. I read a bit of e-mail, then made a salad and took the supper supplements. Chris skyped me early to say he had gotten an e-mail from Housing wondering where our payment was. So I have to go there tomorrow with a check.
I cleaned scraps out of my sewing cart. I used scraps from jeans to make another dog bed. I stuffed it with left overs. I also trimmed some batting scraps down to 2.25 inches. I worked until 7.
I made some hot tea and texted my tapping buddy. She called and we tapped and talked for almost 2 hours. We addressed my issues with Chris. Then I watched an episode of Dark Matter and one of Frasier. I moved the air purifier from the bedroom to the hall. I typed up my blog post for the day and took some evening supplements to help me sleep. I started the Wholetones unit. (Although it isn't putting me to sleep yet, I am going to give it the 21 days specified in the instructions.)
And now it is time for bed.
* This is the quilt I finished today. It is all FMQ, but I don't feel any more proficient.*

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