Sunday, July 21, 2019

Up, up and away

I woke up with the alarm. At first I stayed in bed, but then I realized it was Sunday, not Monday. I got out of bed and started my morning routine. I checked e-mail and watched an episode of TQS. I swallowed some MCT oil mixture, then got dressed. At the last minute, Jennifer texted me asking for some astaxanthin and offering me a geranium. I found a chewed tomato lying on the sidewalk, with ants. I think a bird did it.
When I got to church, Don L called me over to tell me how much Don C liked and appreciated me. It was nice to hear but I did not know how to respond. I greeted people in the narthex and took my seat. Don C sat beside me. Jennifer spoke to me and then Stacey came over. We talked for longer than I thought we had. But then I found a moment to look at the bulletin before the service began.
The service moved quickly, a little too quickly for me. Especially the last song. I could barely get the words in for the verses. The chorus was ok. After the service, I talked to Paige about going to lunch on Friday. Then Jennifer brought me a small red geranium because she doesn't like red flowers. I pulled out my bottle of astaxanthin and she took out four. I also spoke to Cherry about the speed of the last hymn.
When I left church, I went to Publix. I had my list and extra plastic bags to turn in. There wasn't much on my list, but as I walked around the store, I added things and crossed them off. When I got to the checkout, I realized a can of coconut milk was dented. So I didn't buy it. Then the clerk noticed that the lid was loose on the olives and she sent someone to get another jar. I guess I wasn't very observant.
When I got home, I carried the groceries in. I was so hungry that I ate lunch first. Then I put the food away and washed the cans of soup and coconut milk. I started reading e-mail and listening to a podcast. I noticed that the sun was out and the neighbors were gone. So I out on my bathing suit and went out to lay on a towel. But then the sun went away.
I came in and read again. I heard the rain come down in sheets. Kurt and I texted back and forth. He was at the Wagner reunion. The sun came out again and dried up all the rain. I took my towel out ot the back porch and laid down. But then I could hear the neighbors moving around and knew they had company. That and the angle of the sun was suboptimal. So I came in.
I texted with Kurt some more and sent Stacey a note. We made plans to launch the rocket at 4pm. I made breakfast and ate it. Stacey came over with a 2-liter bottle. I had a selection of PVC quilt frame components. We rigged up something to launch the rocket in the back yard. But we couldn't see it until it fell to the ground. So we went to the front yard. I stomped on the bottle and took a pic as quickly as I could. It went pretty high and landed in the neighbor's yard. I retrieved it. I checked the camera to see if I captured the rocket. Yes! And it was on the way down. We were so excited.
Then I noticed that the geranium was chewed off. It hadn't sat there for even four hours! And the tomato plant next to it was chewed off. I was so mad at the rabbit. I put some garlic cloves in water in the blender. I put the bottle outside to steep. They say rabbits don't like the smell of garlic. I trimmed my hanging petunia and threw the clippings into the street, hoping the rabbit would go after them.
I put some chicken in a can of soup for supper. I looked for orange sheets on Amazon, but they only came in microfiber, not cotton. I checked out color therapy, to see what other color would be good. I cut up a jicama, but it wasn't great. Good enough for me but not to bring to a baby shower. So I blended it up with a probiotic to ferment. I washed dishes while listening to another interview.
Chris skyped me around 8. He did not talk long. Then I watched a movie on Netflix called Cop and a half: New Recruit. Although it was a kid's movie, it was quite good. I enjoyed it. There was no time for Frasier. I took my evening supplements and wrote to my blog. I still had to get ready for bed.
* Can you spot the rocket? *

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