Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Heavy Metals

When I woke up, everything was quiet. Wholetones was not playing. I called out “Wholetones?' No answer. “Wholetones, on.” Still no answer. I rolled over to go back to sleep. Presently, I heard a tone, getting louder. Then the music started. It isn't supposed to be voice-activated. Scary.
My phone alerted me at 7:30. I wanted to go back to sleep, but reluctantly got up. I brushed and swished. I took a few supplements before starting coffee morning. I took mimosa pudica every half hour. I did my exercises, including rebounding. I know my chiropractor was against it, but the doctor yesterday (who turned out to be a lymphologist among other things) said it's ok and helpful to bounce very lightly. So I did.
After all the meditating and tapping, I cleaned the kitchen and washed dishes. I took a shower and got dressed when my hair dried. I made more green mix, Then I listened to a podcast on the gut while I made and ate breakfast.
When it was almost 2, I took a container of berries from the fridge and went to the Korean clinic. Dr. Grace was not there. Dr. Lee wanted me to check on his Georgia certification. I gave him the berries, then made a phone call and got an answering machine. I asked for a foot bath, and he complied. During the bath, I got a call back. It seems a document was missing. I made another call and was told it had to be ordered online. So after the foot bath, I took care of it. Dr. Lee gave me packets of onion juice in a box. He had nothing else, so I left.
I went to the post office and finally, there was a package. I also bought some stamps. I drove home. I had a bit of lunch, and changed to a bathing suit. I mowed the back lawn. Then I dressed for berry picking. I walked to the back of the neighborhood. I did not find many berries there. I think someone else had been picking, plus the vines are drying out in the heat. So I came home with just a few berries.
I changed clothes again, because they were sweaty. I watered my plants and checked the mail. No keepers there. Then I went over to Stacey's house and watered her plants. Just as I was winding up the hose, her husband walked up. They were just getting back from vacation! It surprised both of us.
I went home, washed up and changed again. I started making salad for supper. I kept getting texts and having to stop to respond. My massage therapist rescheduled my appointment because her husband was having surgery. Finally I got my salad made. I ate it while listening to an interview.
Then I watched an episode of Dark Matter and two of Frasier. Chris called from Honduras. He was fine, but tired, so we did not talk long. I finished Frasier. I started Wholetones while I typed up my blog post. I took my evening supplements and got ready for bed.
* Dr. Lee said lots of heavy metals came out. I wondered if I should weigh myself before and after to see just how heavy they are? *

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