Monday, July 22, 2019

Sarah's baby shower

I woke up at quarter of 7. I decided to go back to bed. I didn't really sleep, and then the alarm went off at 7:30. But somehow it was 8:30 when I got up. I started my morning routine. I listened to the rest of the current CD from the book while I got ready. I deleted the first round of e-mail, then started listening to interviews. At 11 I made breakfast. Then I looked for a bag to put a baby gift in. There wasn't a suitable one, so I searched my fabric collection. I found a panel that sews up into a baby alphabet book. I wrapped the hooded baby towel in it. Then I rolled my machine out to the car and put it in the trunk.
I went to quilting. I put the gift on the table, not realizing that all the other gifts had been opened. The ladies were just finishing up a baby shower lunch. The mother-to-be had opened her gifts already. As she opened mine, I saw another hooded baby towel. Oh well. Then she had us all get in a picture together and held up the quilts and baby blankets she received. I had forgotten my phone so could not take any pics.
I set up in the back and worked on the orange quilt. I was able to socialize with other ladies who did not run off after lunch. Rebecca said she had to finish a turtle quilt by the end of the month and I can't wait to see it. I laid out some orange blocks and we discussed making them into snowball blocks.
I went to the post office on the way home. There was nothing there. When I got home, I had some lunch and checked e-mail. I spied my phone sitting on the china cabinet and checked for messages. There was one from my neighbor so I called. But she didn't need a cupcake pan anymore. I watered my plants and checked the house mail. There was nothing, not even junk mail. Then I noticed William had called so I called him back. He told me they had gone to a concert.
I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I checked out the blackberry patch, but it was all dried up. I came home for supper. I threw a can of soup and some chicken in a pan to heat up. I ate it while listening to an interview. I looked at color therapy images on Bing.
I watched an episode of The Good Witch on Netflix. One of the actors was on Dark Matter. Another one was in Once Upon a Time. I watched an episode of Frasier and then looked up the producer to see if she was pregnant in real life when she played a pregnant lady on the show. Nope.
I turned on Wholetones. It might be helping now that I am used to it. I took some evening supplements. I wondered why Chris hadn't called me, so I sent him a message. I typed up my blog post. I thought about either reading or listening to more of the book on CD to help me get sleepy.
* I came across this image and thought it would look nice on a quilt. *

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