Sunday, July 28, 2019

Finishing the quilt top

My tick bite was still bothering me. So last night I put a glutathione patch on it before I went to bed. The bite was better this morning, As tired as I was last night, it still took me awhile to get to sleep. My alarm woke me at 7:30. I stayed in bed another half hour, then got up. I took a shower and read e-mail while my hair dried. Then I got dressed. I put on heels and put a pair of flats in a bag for later.
I went to church with a bag of moringa tea for Jennifer, but she didn't come. I greeted Stacey who was in the narthex with Eric. He said he blamed me for all the stuff she bought at the estate sales. I sat with Don. He seemed shaky today. I helped him walk over to Roz and greet her. Then the service started. At communion, he clutched my arm all the way to the rail and back. I prayed for God to give him strength and balance. After the service, he got up and walked to the cloak room to get his rollator. I followed him, surprised. Cathy said she would bring me some tubs of fabric one day this week. Then I went back into the sanctuary for the generational discussion.
The pastor put up a slide showing the generations across the top and topics down the side. He and his wife discussed how each generation views each topic. It was interesting. He held it to an hour, plus a few minutes. Then I headed to Publix for groceries.
When I got home, I changed clothes and put the food away. I ate lunch and took the lunch supplements. I added another border to the quilt. I made more spice mix, then listened to the next episode of Pain Revealed while I made breakfast and took those supplements. I listened to the book on CD while cutting strips for the next strip set. I looked up beach scenes to get an idea of the colors involved. I went for the weekend walk, which is longer than the daily walks. When I got back, I finished the book on CD while eating supper and taking the associated supplements. I put a vitamin C patch on the tick bite.
I opened Skype on my laptop and Chris called me. He must have been watching. We chatted for awhile. Neither of us had much to say. Afterward, I watched the first episode of Another Life on Netflix. I'll probably give it another shot, but was not impressed so far. I brushed, then swished with glutathione. I turned on Wholetones and took some supplements. Then I wrote my blog post.

* Today's episode talked about using low dose Naltrexone for pain, as well as trigger point injections, cold water therapy, and exosomes. *

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