Sunday, July 14, 2019

Picking poke

Last night I had to turn Wholetones off because it was interfering with the new thing I was trying, which involves tapping out a rhythm and then slowing it down. But the Wholetones music wasn't slowing down, so I turned it off. However, the tune was stuck in my mind at the original speed and my brain kept returning to it. So I turned Wholetones back on, but at a much-reduced volume.
I woke up before 7. I got up to perform my morning ablutions. After showering, I put on the ceiling fan and the box fan to dry out the bathroom since it smelled musty. Then I took supplements and turned on my laptop.
I put on a dress and discovered it needed mending. So I changed to another. I almost wasn't able to zip it by myself. I put together the dry ingredients of breakfast for later. I gathered plastic bags for recycling, and filled a bottle with water. I went to church.
Don and Tamara were already in the pew and he left me space at the very front. I didn't want the first seat because there is no kneeler there. But it did not seem worth making a scene. The service started with announcements, which took 10 to 15 minutes. The pastor went through the service so quickly that we still got out early. Well, except for having a short meeting to ratify the changes to our constitution.
When I left church, I went to Publix. I went through my list and added a few more things. I paid and the bag person carried my groceries to my car. I went home, and brought in the groceries. I changed my clothes. I finished making breakfast and ate it.
I grabbed a can of coconut water and headed to a massage place. I had been there once before and remembered how to get there. I arrived a little early. The door was locked. I wandered around a little. At 1, I wondered if she was coming. I checked my phone and there was a message from her asking if she had told me that she moved. She spelled out the new address but since it was on the parkway, it could be in many places. I tried to call but there was no answer. She texted me and said she wasn't feeling well. Since she is not my regular person, I decided that I didn't need to pursue this. I wished her luck in her new location and went home.
I looked up her new location. It was in a place I'd never been, not that it matters now. I put away the rest of the groceries. I decided to go for a walk. Along the way I picked some poke leaves. When I got back, I read e-mail. I ate some nuts and took my lunch supplements. I clipped some more poke leaves from plants in my yard. I left the leaves to soak while I listened to an audio on reducing clutter. It must have involved binaural beats or something. Anyway, I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I read a book. I put it down when the main character's husband died of s sudden heart attack. Then I put on an audio. I trimmed any red veins out of the poke leaves. I boiled the leaves in a pot of water while also boiling water in a teapot. I boiled the leaves a second time in the fresh water. Then I stirfried them with eggs. They resembled spinach at that point. I ate it while soaking the leftover salad greens from last week. After eating the poke leaves, I assembled a salad. My recent batch of sprouts was dying. So I pulled out what was good, added that to the salad, and threw out all the unsprouted seeds.
William called while I was making the salad. Just as I was finishing eating the salad, Chris skyped me. We talked for a bit. Then he signed off to apply for more jobs. I mowed half the lawn. I came in because it started raibing.
After some more e-mail, I watched Dark Matter and Frasier. I turned on Wholetones and put on my blueblocking glasses. I cleaned the frying pan. I listened to a few more audios. I typed up my blog and got ready for bed.

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