Tuesday, July 2, 2019

I passed the test

I woke up before the alarm went off. Due to restrictions of the test, I could not brush or swish or take any supplements. I collected a urine sample. I washed up and got dressed. I checked e-mail and made seed crackers. I treated myself for sensitivities to cantaloupe. I packed a bag with a book and water and some seed crackers. I headed to the doctor's office.
As I drove, I started working up some saliva for the spit test. When I was almost there, I realized I didn't have the sample. I turned around and went back for it. Gate 9 was all backed up with traffic. My phone registered the doctor calling. But I couldn't answer because I was on post and my mouth was full. I just nodded at the guard as he wished me a nice day. I went to the house for the sample, and drove back to the doctor's office. I could not speak until she handed me the spit sample cup. Then I explained why I was so late. I had more spit more than was needed. And the doctor's husband said that was quick and was it really my spit? Ha, ha. The office gal took me back and measured my weight.
From there, I went to quilting. I gave Anita the dog bed I had made, and the bag of fabric and batting scraps. Beverly wanted me to cut fabric for her class. I said no, but I did it anyway 'cause it was faster. But I had to leave before the job was done.
I went back to the doctor. She took me to the last room and told me my test results were good. I went from age 78 to 56. I showed her a pic of the worms and she said it was pieces of gut lining but that that was good. It did not sound good to me. The test indicated that fewer supplements were needed. But she added others. I showed her my bug bites but she didn't know what they were. I asked her to treat me for whatever was causing the itch above my ear. So she treated me for flowers and parasites. She gave me a mask to wear outside and said I should stay inside as much as possible for the next 25 hours while the treatment took effect.
I went home and had breakfast. I put on gloves and watered the plants. I also listened to the latest episode of the 'I love my guts' summit. Beverly called and we chatted until I had to go to the church. No one was there when I arrived. But there was a big bouquet of flowers on the secretary's desk. So I kept my mask on.
Just as I was finishing, Elaine arrived. She had the two vials with her. I re-treated her for the digestion vial. We sat and talked about our experiences trying to get well and the treatments from our common doctor. I showed her my bites and she identified them as chiggers. Yikes!
I took the offering to the bank, still wearing the mask. No one batted an eyelash. Then I went home. I checked the mail but there was none. I researched chiggers. Lots of articles out there. Some say they are only a nuisance, others say females laying eggs can cause significant problems. Anyway, after reading through lots of suggestions, I decided to address the bites with castor oil. I paid the post office box fee online. It was a bigger job than it sounds.
Chris called on Skype as I was soaking leaves for salad. I ate a can of soup instead, plus the other half of the papaya. I watched two episodes of Dark Matter, and one episode of Frazier. Then I wrote my blog post so I could go to bed.
* Another piece of art from the modern quilt guild. *

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