Friday, July 26, 2019

Farm Burger

Getting ready for bed, I put some lavender oil on a mosquito bite and discovered it had a seed tick in it. ARRGGH! I used a lighted seam ripper to get it off, but the head remained. I put some neem oil on it. I promptly forgot about it when I excreted something I won't describe here. I ended up reading in bed just to have something more pleasant to thing about. It was hard to stop. But I did force myself not to finish the book so there would be some story left for tomorrow.
My alarm woke me at 7:30. I stayed in bed a little longer, but somehow it was 9:30 when I got up. The tick bite still had some black in it. I performed more contortions to try to see it better and get the black out. I wiped it with rubbing alcohol and witch hazel.
I started my morning routine, abbreviated. I washed up and got dressed, wearing my new footies. The color is lighter than my foot so they are more noticeable than the old ones. I checked e-mail. I read that 85% of wisdom tooth extractions end up as cavitations.
I started listening to episode 3 of Pain Revealed. I heard commotion in the street – a large truck was delivering large recycling cans to each house. Notes from episode 3: Stem cells need blood flow to get there. Usually chronic pain is in tissues without much blood flow. Morning stiffness is classic for mold toxicity.
I ate breakfast, and read e-mail. Then I did some sewing.
I went to lunch with Paige and Mary. I got there first. Paige and I looked at the menu until Mary arrived. Then we got in line to order. Each one of us was given a number on a stand so our order could be delivered. When I asked if they had anything healthy to drink, the lady suggested Coke Zero. Yeah. Right. I got a glass of water. Since we were at Farm Burger, I ordered a grass-fed locally-raised burger. I took some digestive enzymes and ate the whole thing. It was good, but I wasn't all that impressed with the noise or the seating. It was hard to hear my companions talk. After we ate, Paige and I walked around outside. Then I went to Whole Foods and bought some MCT oil. Then I headed home, but stopped at a thrift store looking for craft paint. Then I went to a dollar store, but they didn't have much of a selection. I got black and green, and went to the post office. There was no mail, and I went home.
I meant to go for a walk, but didn't feel like it. I read e-mail while listening to more of Episode 3. I cut some squares and did some sewing. Then I went for a walk. When I got back, I checked the mail and found a DVD from Netflix.
I layered onions and slices of liver in a glass pan and put it in the oven to bake. I watched some more of episode 3, which is like 5 hours long. I read e-mail until the timer rang. It wasn't done yet so I put it back in for another 10 minutes.
I moved my laptop to the guest room because the wi-fi signal from our duplex neighbors was so strong Of course, now the signal from the next house over is stronger than it was. I ate liver and onions for supper. The liver was tender and so I wondered if it wasn't cooked long enough. Chris skyped me. I told him the story I was reading was just the sort of thing Michele would have written. He looked up the author and her books. We talked for a little bit, but he had to go buy milk before the store closed.
I watched The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep. It was a kids movie, which was good because it lacked those 'adult' themes. I was surprised it got so late. I went to the guest room to write my blog post and get ready for bed.

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