Friday, July 5, 2019

My sharp new toy

I played the Wholetones device again last night. I did not sleep any better. I had itchy bites bothering me. Eventually I slept, but do not remember when I woke up. I think I got up half an hour late.
Into the usual morning routine, I inserted some sewing. I cut up a pair of old pants and made a dog bed. I didn't intend to do that. It just happened. I took some of the remaining fabric and made a castor oil pack cover. To make it oil-proof, I rubbed one side of it with beeswax and used my iron to melt it in.
I went through my e-mail while listening to different speakers from various summits. I learned about lomacium, which is an herb that is good for lots of things, particularly detoxification. I put in an order for more vitamin patches because they are on special today.
The doorbell rang. It was the UPS lady dropping off a package. I didn't open it until later, and found it was the acupuncture mat I ordered to help me relax and sleep.
William called from work. He told me about a nutrition bar with CBD in it. All About Care called me and asked if it was a good time to visit Dad. Apparently she called him and he said to ask his daughter.
I went outside to water the plants in the back. Then I potted some lettuce plants that I bought at the farmer's market. I had eaten most of the leaves, and rather than throwing them out, I planted them since they still had their roots. It rained while I was out back, but it didn't last long.
I went to the post office. There wasn't much to find. When I got home, I checked the house mail. Nothing. I put on my walking shoes and went for a long walk. I toweled off the sweat and washed up. I oiled the back storm door hinge. I knocked down the wasp nest because the wasps were using it again, even though it had been sprayed and ran inside.
Chris called on Skype. We talked for awhile, but he didn't have much to say. He'd been out with Herberth having a few beers. They are going out again tomorrow. I made and ate a salad while listening to Ben Greenfield bust myths that came up in an article in Vice. I treated myself for sensitivities to apricot kernels.
I gathered up laundry. I put the colored load in first. I sat against my new acupuncture pad and read some articles. The edges were sharp, but it did not hurt to sit against it. I watched one episode of Dark Matter. I folded the clothes from the dryer. I watched an episode of Frazier, and then put the white load in the dryer. I typed up my blog waiting for the laundry to dry. I prepared the castor oil pack and tied it in place for the night. Now it is time to take the parasite herbs and go to bed.

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