Sunday, July 7, 2019

I actually cooked something

Last night I put the Wholetones unit in the bathroom again. I turned the volume down a little. I think when I went to sleep, it did, too. But when I rolled over in the night, it woke up and started playing again. I swore I was going to contact the company about it, but forgot later.
My phone rang at 7:30. I tried to finish my dream. I got up by 8. I started the supplement line-up, but there wasn't time for all the waiting. So I took some things together. I showered and read e-mail until my hair dried. Then I got dressed for church. I put some things in a bag that didn't clash with my dress and headed out.
I got to church a little earlier than I planned. But Ron took up all that extra time by chatting with me. I sat in my pew and wrote my monthly check. Tamara sat with me and showed me her dragonfly tattoo. It was pretty. She said some people took a step back from her when they saw it.
Susan did the announcements, and Gary led the service since Pastor Fieg was out of town. Bob did communion as a retired pastor. After the service, I talked to the organist. I put Jennifer's jar in her office. I put the blue bank bag in the church office.
Then I went to Publix. There wasn't much on my list and I got a few extra things. But when I got home, I thought about coconut flakes and wondered how they missed being on the list. I put the food away.
I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. While listening to a podcast, I handsewed a piece of fabric onto the back of the mat so I could hang it on my chair. Although the edges are sharp, somehow it feels good on my back. I listened to an interview with the former head of Microsoft China. He said many jobs will be eliminated due to AI and people should retrain for jobs that are not replaceable like plumbing. Inadvertently, it will widen the divide between the have's and the have not's.
I emptied the teapot and sliced up fresh turmeric and ginger root and garlic for the next pot of tea. I washed dishes and counter tops. I chose some fabric for a binding for the quilt from yesterday. I cut strips and sewed them end to end. Then I pressed the strip in half. I listened to a podcast on the dangers of aluminum, which is steadily increasing in vaccines and is also used in water treatment.
I put on old pantyhose and long pants. I took a walk and picked blackberries in a new place. The berries were not as nice. When I got back, I made up two week's worth of breakfast supplements and submitted an order for more.
For supper, I diced an onion and fried it in a pan with ground beef. Near the end, I threw in mushrooms. I ate some and watched Dark Matter and Frasier. Chris did not call, so I called him, but there was no answer. Getting ready for bed, I flicked a tick off of my tummy. Thank goodness he hadn't bitten me yet. I wrapped him in a bit of toilet paper and lit it on fire at the stove. I took more supplements and wrote up my blog post. I wore my castor oil pack again. And now, to bed.
* I have a lily blooming! *

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