Monday, July 29, 2019

Finding the safest place

I woke up to my alarm at 7:30. I stayed in bed a little bit, then got up. I started the whole brushing, swishing, supplement thing. I put on the next episode of Pain Revealed. I put some water in the teapot to heat. Then I filled a large bowl with hot, soapy water to wash dishes. I don't know what happened next, but I found myself sewing squares together and pressing them and trying to figure out if I had enough for a quilt top. I walked into the kitchen and realized the teapot was completely dry, and blackened. I turned off the gas and left it to cool down. Sigh.
I took a few more supplements, then made and ate breakfast. I washed dishes, and scrubbed the blackened teapot. It did not all come off. I looked for matching thread to go with a project, then gathered my things and headed to quilting.
The ladies had finished lunch. I found a place in the back to set up. I chatted with Dinah. She said the hospice people liked the children's quilt I donated because they did have kids there. Sigh. I opened the faceplate of my machine and found a covering of lint under it. Yikes! I pulled a Q-tip from my bag and pulled it all out. I sewed around the leaves on a wallhanging, pausing many times because it was tedious work. Cathy texted me that she needed my address to bring me tubs of fabric tomorrow. I talked to Lauri and Alice and both Carolyns. Then everyone left and it was just me and Carolyn. When she packed up, I did as well. And we left together.
On the way home, I stopped at the post office. There was a package from Swansons for me. When I got home, there was another package on the front porch. I just assumed it was for me. But when I opened it, the items inside were more Chris-centered. I put away the supplements in the other box. I had nuts and a piece of chocolate and seed crackers and a banana for lunch.
The air still smelled burnt from this morning. I went outside to mow the lawn. I did not get even half way before the battery got weak. I plugged it in to recharge. I opened the garage door and moved a few boxes around to make room for the upcoming tubs of fabric. I went outside to clip the grass along the back fence. Squatting down to grab the blades of grass, I realized that this must be how I got all the bug bites on my inner thighs. Something that bites lives in the grass.
I came in and wiped off the sweat. I made new batches of mixes for the breakfast box and put it away. I checked wifi signals with my laptop to find the place with the fewest. It was right in front of the TV. There was a small laptop there that we use with the TV, It was more sensitive to wi-fi and showed signal from someone's bedroom speakers and printer, etc. Just for giggles, I scoped out the wi-fi in the back yard and there were more signals out there. I set up a small table in front of the TV and moved my laptop there.
I got a call from the care agency who wanted to give Dad physical therapy tomorrow. After settling arrangements with them, I called Dad to tell him what to expect. Faye came to take Dad to a medical appointment so I talked to her for a short while, too. Then I checked e-mail and watched paint pouring videos. I made a large salad with a bit of liver on top. I ate it while watching a video on gut health.
I watched the second episode of Another Life. The story line was mildly interesting but I could not warm up to the characters. I paused it to talk to Chris when he called. Then I watched two episodes of Frasier.
I took a break to get ready for bed. Then I sat down to write up my blog post. I plan to listen to a meditation before turning off the laptop and going to bed.
* I forgot to mention that I laid out another strip set. *

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