Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sewing at home and away

I read in bed last night, not sure how long. It was just the sort of thing Michele would have written. I wondered if I should tell her. But I called her yesterday. Then I turned off the light and went to sleep, although not right away.
I woke up to the alarm. I started my morning routine. I opened a box that came yesterday. There were new footies in there. I washed two pairs and laid them out to dry. There was also a new shower filter, and a brush for drybrushing.
I listened to the second episode of Pain Revealed: Job satisfaction (or lack thereof) is the #1 predictor of chronic pain.
I printed out a new supplement check-off sheet. I stay-stitched around my red quilt top. I made up two weeks worth of vitamins, but ran out of BioCore. I hope it will arrive tomorrow. I made and ate breakfast while listening to a podcast on toxic metals. It made me forget the time and I was late getting to quilting.
I did not have my orange project ready to go, so I grabbed the panel project and some matching thread to quilt with. When I got to the meeting place, I sat and chatted for awhile before setting up my machine. I had a little trouble quilting because the feed dogs would not stay down. I sewed around a few leaves. I got some nice comments on my panel. One of the ladies told a story of her brother setting off a model rocket many years ago. It got caught in the power lines on the way down and he thought it was a goner. But then the wind blew it free. With hope, he followed it with outstretched hands. And then it blew into the street and car ran over it.
When I got home, I had some lunch but forgot to take lunch supplements. I pulled some fabrics from my scrap collection to go with an older project. I listened to the next podcast while trying out borders. I came up with an idea but the next step was to cut squares and my cutting mat was full of strips laid out in order. So I sat down and sewed them all together. The maintenance man stopped by to change the air filter and check the water heater. I swear he wasn't here more than 2 minutes, if that. I ironed the strip set and took a picture.
I decided to go for a walk. I locked the front door, and stuck the key in my decolletage. I walked for 30 minutes. When I got back, there was a package for Chris. I carried it in. I checked our mail, but there was nothing. I made a salad for supper and took both the lunch and supper supplements. I watered the plants, then sat by my laptop.
I texted my tapping buddy and soon we were chatting together. She'd had a busy week so we talked about it first. Then we tapped together. It went over 2 hours. Finally I had to close so I could call Chris. I called him on Skype as well. He didn't have much to say, but he wants to give Herberth money to buy a new engine for his truck.
Afterward, I watched one episode of Frasier, since it was so late. Then I started writing my blog post. I turned on Wholetones and took some night time supplements. I got ready for bed. Instead of reading, I listened to a meditation that Silva is running for 20 days.

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