Thursday, October 10, 2019

Chi Shield helped Gabriele

I don't think I slept any better last night. It was hard to walk when I woke up to use the bathroom. And again when the alarm went off.
I sat outside and harvested sumac seeds for 20 minutes while swishing. Then I made all my pre-breakfast mixes plus breakfast. Dr. Lee said to eat between 7 and 9. But by the time breakfast was made, it was after 9. I ate it anyway.
Then I listened to interviews while cutting wedges to make blocks for the modern quilt guild. I also set the Brother up for free motion quilting and used the extra large cone of thread. When noon rolled around, I put the featherweight in my rolling case, and the Chi Shield in my purse.
I drove to quilting. Attendance was low, but we had a good time talking. Rhonda looked at my machine to see why it balks sometimes. I figured out that it only happens when the needle is at its highest position. She said to bring it next week and she will bring her screwdrivers.
I sewed black and gray wedges together to make the background of two blocks. We all agreed to leave at 2, so I packed up. We put everything away, then I took my stuff and headed to Ruth's Nutrition.
I met Gabriele there. She was impressed with the Chi Shield. We talked for some time before she left and I got ready for the massage. As she rubbed my back, she said her headache had gone away. When she got to my left foot, she whacked it with a hollow bamboo stick, therapeutically. It was supposed to do something for my plantar tendons. After the massage, I went to her office. I told her to keep the Chi Shield for two weeks and see if she or her family noticed anything. We set up the next appointment.
I went home and had supper: squash soup, an egg, seed crackers, sauerkraut, and yogurt. I put on an interview and quilted the fabric challenge item. I used ruler templates. I was not pleased with it since the templates moved when they weren't supposed to, but at least it was done. I read e-mail until 7.
I talked and tapped with Nell for an hour and a half. Then I called Chris on Skype. His fan is still not working right. I wanted to say 'put a fork in it'. He told me he will have an interview next week for a job at Fort Bragg.
I took supper supplements. I watched an episode of Royal Pains while rolling my foot on a golf ball which Gabriele gave me. Then I took sleep supplements, and wrote up my blog post so I could get ready for bed.
* This pic was taken before I quilted it. *

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