Wednesday, October 9, 2019

I got Boo'd

Going to sleep last night took as long as ever. I shut off the alarm this morning and went back to sleep. I got up about 8:30. I swished and sat outside harvesting sumac berries. I made coffee and did my coffee morning exercises and drybrushing, followed by meditation and tapping. Then I started cleaning the house. I washed dishes, including the one from Stacey. Then I showered, dressed and went to the Korean clinic.
He had a tax form for me to explain to him. Then she wanted to know what it would cost to move to Hawaii. I did an internet search and came up with U-Pack, which is what they had in mind. I called to get a ballpark figure for moving their household goods and then the lady transferred my call to another company to get a quote for shipping their cars. She gave me two clementines. He drew me a detox foot bath. Lots of stuff came out of the left foot, but not the right one. After the foot bath, he set up the foot massager for me. When my session was over, he gave me a box of onion juice packets. I thanked them and headed out.
I stopped at the post office, but there was nothing other than junk mail. I went home. Julia came over with some squash soup. We talked for some time about this and that and I went over to look at her mums which were full of buds but not blooming. She checked her mail and mine. More junk.
I listened to interviews from the Body Electric summit, but they were hard to concentrate on. I ate an egg and a can of soup.
I found a text from Stacey about walking and replied. I grabbed her dish and went out. She was waiting for me at the curb. We walked past Julia's house, but came back because Stacey could see that my foot was hurting. So we went to her house. There was a small white sign that said “We've been boo'd”. I was curious, but she didn't say much. We sat in her back yard and talked. Her husband came out several times with weather updates. I didn't realize it was going to get so cold. She invited me to dinner but I had just eaten. She walked me home.
I was reading e-mail when my doorbell rang. I jumped up to answer it and no one was there. However, there was a paper bag and two mums. Inside the bag were three apples and papers. In poem form, it was advised to post the sign on my door and 'pay it forward' by dropping off treats at someone else's house and running away before they answered the door. I suspected it was Stacey.
I went back to reading e-mail. I read an article from Malwarebytes about malvertising. As per their recommendation, I tried to enable click-to-play for add-ons but could not find it on Edge.
I tried to quilt around a template on a different machine that had a higher shaft. But the second machine would not make stitches on the quilt sandwich. Sigh.
I started watching Royal Pains and doing stretches. Chris interrupted on skype. He had been out with Herberth and they had a few beers. So he sang me two songs. That drowned out the noisy fan nicely. He told me his replacement was coming in November and he could leave on the 17th.
After the call, I took some supplements and finished the show. I rinsed my sprouts, which aren't doing so well. Then I typed up my blog post and got ready for bed.
* I guess it is my turn now. Who do I boo? *

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