Thursday, October 17, 2019

Short term care

Last night I stayed awake, using the Emwave to get into coherence after lying down, but it didn't work. Maybe my body doesn't like lying down. Is that why I have trouble sleeping? After quite some time awake, I got up and put socks on, and eventually went to sleep.
I dimly remember the alarm going off. I did the Wim Hoff breathing. I stayed in bed until 8:30. I dressed and sat outside shucking sumac seeds. Then I came in, brushed and swished, and listened to more interviews from the Home Medicine Summit.
I took the morning supplements on schedule. I read and deleted e-mail. It was after 11 when I started making breakfast. But by noon it was eaten and I put the featherweight in my carrying case and went to quilting.
Very few ladies were there. Rhonda wanted to work on Ruth (the name for my featherweight). She wore clip-on lights on her glasses. Rhonda found threads wrapped around the small belt wheel on the motor, and removed them. Ruth ran pretty well then. I sewed a bunch of triangles together and ran out of bobbin thread. I got a thread nest trying to put a new bobbin in. Then Ruth needed help getting started on each stitching run. Christy needed to go so we all packed up and left. I went home.
I did the Day 4 of the Wim Hoff class. I skipped the cold shower part, and just did the breathing. I took my blood sugar before and it was 90. I started eating after and never did take it again. I was reading e-mail when Faye called. But before she could finish, she got another call that she had to take. Then she called back. The hospital doesn't want to keep Dad but they don't want him going home either. They recommended a short-term care facility. Faye asked if I wanted to fly up there to sit with Dad at the facility to make sure he got the best treatment. But I kinda don't.
I called the Damours for advice, but there was no answer. Then I called Michele thinking they all went to supper. She did not answer either. I ate some salad fixings. I took a short walk. The mailman was just leaving as I walked up. So I got fresh mail.
I made a lettuce salad, and put some cheese and olives on it. After eating, I played with two of the magnets I ordered. I ate a packet of tuna. Michele returned my call. She put it on speaker so I could hear Cecily and Al as well. They recommended the Lucy Corr facility. I had to hang up then because Patrick was calling. I am not sure what he wanted exactly. He said he was going to take care of stuff around the house.
I hung up with him, then contacted Nell on Skype. We tapped for clutter issues, including what was on a chair by the door. Afterward, I called Chris. He is planning to apply for a job in San Antonio.
I cleared items from the chair and put it back. I turned on the air purifier in the bedroom. Then I watched an episode of Royal Pains. I rolled out my calves and shoulders. I took evening supplements. I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* A Harry Potter quilt at the show last weekend. *

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