Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cooler weather

I woke up early to use the bathroom and decided not to go back to bed. I read e-mail and listened to an audio until it was time to shower and get dressed for church. It was a little cool outside, but I did not need a coat. I took my choir folder and a baggie of sumac seeds and went to church.
When I got there, I spoke to Ron until the choir assembled for warmup. I joined them. Jennifer put a sweet potato in my pew so I put it in my purse. I gave her the sumac berries. My pew buddy Don, did not come today. I talked to the other Don and Barbara and Jim.
After the service, I spoke to Jennifer. There was supposed to be a budget meeting, but people were just standing around for so long that I went to Publix. I got the usual stuff. As I walked through Produce, I realized that I had a sweet potato in my purse. I hoped no one saw it and thought I was stealing potatoes. “ Honest, Officer, this sweet potato came from the choir director in church this morning.”
When I got home, I changed my clothes and put on shorts and a t-shirt. I took the potato out of my purse. I made and ate breakfast, then put the food away. I strained the sumac seeds from the tea. I poured the water through them several times to make it stronger. I sterilized a kombucha jug and poured the tea in, then slipped it in the fridge to get cold.
I listened to interview after interview to try to catch up. It was sunny out, so I took a break to mow since my foot was feeling better. I only got halfway when the battery ran down. So I plugged it in to recharge. I put on another interview and worked on the two blocks for the modern quilt guild. Then I sorted a bag of scraps from the trunk of my car.
For supper, I ate a can of soup and a tomato and some yogurt. I read e-mail until I knew my neighbor was home. Then I took the jug of tea and her container next door, and stayed to chat with Julia. I came home, and saw that Chris had called, so I called back. There was no answer. I called again in 5 minutes and he picked up. We talked for a bit. Then he went back to watching The Flash and I watched an episode of Fraser.
I took my supplements and wrote my blog post. My stomach did not feel so good, but I don't know why. It seems to happen every evening now. I did not turn the AC down because the temp was already down to 71. I did turn off the electricity to the bedroom.
* Two blocks for the modern quilt guild *

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