Sunday, October 27, 2019

Shopping at Soto Cano is riceless

Before I went to bed last night, I put more of the essential oils and vodka mixture on my scalp. The itching stopped for awhile, but later itched more than before. Perhaps fungi can feed on vodka? I had trouble falling asleep until after I got up to go.
So I slept until my alarm rang at 7:30. But I didn't feel like getting up, so I did a round of breathwork. That got my blood going so I got up. I did more breathwork, then brushed. I swished while taking a shower. I put on my red dress for church. There was not time to read e-mail. I grabbed the grocery list and excess plastic bags and headed out.
There was an accident right outside the front gate so I had to go around, making me later than I would have been. But I was there in time for the choir warm-up. Then Jennifer gave me $20 because I had given her too much on Wednesday night. Don came in and sat with me. After a nice recital, the service started. The sermon was about Martin Luther and the Reformation. There was a quiz in the bulletin. I kept looking at the parament on the lectern because it was one I made. I wondered if it needed more quilting. After the service, the organist told me that she had seen the accident seconds after it happened. I imagine that shook her up. Ron talked to me after the service. Then I went to Publix for groceries and returned home.
I noticed that the new neighbors who moved in yesterday, now have Halloween decorations in their yard. There is no moss growing under their feet. I changed my clothes, and called Faye. I was also able to talk to Dad. He sounded fine at first, but then his speech slowed down and it was hard to understand what he was talking about. I tried to talk to him about wearing a lifealert pendant. Faye had to repeat it to him. She said he sounded open to the idea. I put away groceries and made pre-breakfast mixes and then breakfast. I ate while listening to an interview. I really wanted to sew, but could not hear it over my sewing machine.
I read outside under an overcast sky. There was no sun, but the daylight still counts. I shut the book before I finished it and went back inside. I sewed strips while listening to the next audio on the desktop which has better speakers. Did you know that vitamin C is selectively toxic to cancer cells?
I paused at a decision point to have supper. I ate a can of organic soup, and two packets of onion juice. I called Michele to see if she needed curtains or an iron. Then I pre-made some mixes for tomorrow. I poured myself a small dish of blueberries. Chris called me on skype so he got to watch me eat them. We chatted for awhile. Nothing new in his world. The base is still on lock-down and the base store stopped selling rice. So he has to ask one of his Honduran workers to buy him rice next time they go shopping on the economy.
I made a fabric decision and did a little more sewing while finishing an audio. Then I watched an episode of Frasier while stretching and rolling. I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed, listening to classical music. Yesterday, a speaker mentioned that some people take Benedryl to fall asleep. So I took one with the least objectionable ingredients. I went to bed with hope.
* Another quilt from the show. *

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