Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lost my cool

I got up soon after the alarm went off because a voice in my head said something about heart failure. It had me worried and wondering how I could have heart failure, and then it occurred to me that maybe it was talking about someone else. My foot was doing so well that I could walk on it immediately. I got dressed and went outside to pick up all the plants that fell over in the rain yesterday.
I put milk on the stove to heat as part of the yogurt-making process. I read e-mail while it simmered at 180. While it was cooling, I did breath work and made the inulin slurry with probiotics. The slurry did not go well and I had to put it all in the blender. Once it was in the yogurt maker, I got ready for quilting.
I sat between the Beverlys, blowing off steam. She understood because she recently went through it herself. But she thought I needed to go up there to get things handled. Then William called. He wanted to know if Kevin brought eggs. I let him have it because he didn't deliver anything either. (Warning: rant alert!) I am tired of people who have jobs thinking it conveys such an honor upon them that they shouldn't be inconvenienced by family emergencies after work. And that those of us who are too busy helping others to get a job, are somehow second class citizens who should be willing to drop our current duties to run across the nation and do 24 hour duty there. Except for Faye, every bit the angel Karen called her, who has taken days off of work to make sure our dad is safe. Volunteerism is not 'free time'. It is a commitment. Where would this country be without volunteers? There isn't enough money to pay for all the stuff that needs doing. But someone has to step up and do it. (end of rant.)
When I got home, I started the breakfast process. Karen called, and I lost my temper because I was upset with William. I'm afraid I said something I shouldn't have. After breakfast, I called the rehab center and talked to Dad's nurse and the dietary assistant. I was assured that my dad was getting double rations now, and that he had therapy yesterday – something my sister told me never showed up.
I grabbed my offering stuff and went to church. I entered all the info into the computer – a job no one else wants and few have any idea how the software works. Then I printed the reports and took the money to my car. It was such a nice day that I thought I would take a short walk on the Greenway. My foot didn't hurt at the time, but it did when I got down there. So it was a short, slow walk.
On the way back, I stopped at the library to return the book I finished. I called Faye but there was no answer. I jotted notes for my blog. I kept trying to put the stress and tension out of my mind. Being this upset doesn't help anyone.
I called Faye. She was at Dad's house collecting Ensure and extra food. I sat outside in the sun and answered a long, involved questionnaire from the church. It turned out to be easier than I thought. I picked dandelion from the backyard for supper. I called Faye again but she didn't answer.
I called again later. She was shaving Dad and there was no indication that he might have fallen during the day. She said she'd call back while he got his shower.
I went to get the mail - one for us, three for former residents. I made a salad and ate it while watching an introductory episode of LiveLongerFeelBetter. I swished with salt because of sore gums. Then I swished with vitamin C.
I called Faye back and we talked until Chris called. He said I was doing the right thing by not going up there. Then I texted with Faye on the phone and with Darleen on the laptop, all while watching an episode of Royal Pains. I had to keep pausing it to tell one what the other said so it took me a long time to finish it. They reached an agreement and I gave them each other's phone number.
I took supplements, wrote up my blog post, and got ready for bed.
* This is what the Tuesday group is working on. *

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