Friday, October 18, 2019

She's a home owner now

Last night I used the EMWave and got really good scores while listening to a documentary. Surprising. I went to bed, and slept in this morning. I got dressed and sat outside, swishing and harvesting sumac seeds. I also moved the shepherds hooks to a more symmetrical position. I put some meat in the crock pot with water. I considered throwing in garlic, but that didn't happen. I got sidetracked listening to interviews and such.
I did 4 rounds of special breathing with Wim Hoff. No cold shower was required for Day 5. Then I listened to presentations from the home medicine summit. I made pre-breakfast mixes. I called Faye. She said Dad was doing better today but still had to go to a special care facility. She was hoping to get him into Lucy Corr.
The meat was cooked, so I ate some. I think it was ox-tail. Then I made breakfast. There was plenty of stuff to listen to, so I sewed patches together to add to the horse quilt so it won't be square. At 3:45 I went to the post office. There was one bill and one ad. On the way home, I drove past Housing. I thought they were having a party today. But when I got home and checked their e-mail, it was for next week.
After sewing for awhile longer, I sat outside reading. I had my phone with me because I was expecting a call from Carol who wanted to have dinner. Instead, Michele called. She proudly announced that she is now a home owner and will move in tomorrow. We talked for awhile longer. About 5 seconds after she hung up, William called. He talked mostly about some kind of sandwich bread made from cauliflower.
My friend hadn't called so I ate supper. It was some meat, plus a mostly lettuce salad, and dried sweet potatoes.
I continued sewing and listening. Then I put the project on hold and watched an episode of Royal Pains waiting for Chris to call. I also used the massage roller. Then I started an episode of Frasier. Chris called. He had just gotten home from the Friday attitude adjustment and professional development. (That's a euphemism for happy hour at work.) He was supposed to go to Octoberfest after that, but that got shifted to tomorrow and the early morning chapel hike for tomorrow was rescheduled for next week. (The base is shut down since the president's brother was convicted of drug involvement)
So I thought we were going to have a long talk, but then he and the sergeant major made plans to hear a singer at one of the eateries on post. So he left, and I finished watching Frasier.
I took Cat's Claw and Caprylic Acid. I wrote up my blog post for the day, and got ready for bed. But I intend to sew for awhile before turning in for the night.
* This quilt was at the show. But it would be nice in Michele's new place. *

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