Sunday, October 20, 2019

Surprisingly attractive

Last night I did some tapping and went to bed around 11:30. I slept through the night. I probably woke up on time but did not feel like getting up, so I stayed in bed until 8.
I showered while swishing. Then I made the mistake of reading a book in the bathroom without my watch on. When I put it aside, it was 9am. I dressed as quickly as I could, grabbed the grocery list and excess plastic bags, and went to church. I felt like crying on the way because I feel so badly for Faye.
I warmed up with the choir, then greeted Don on my way to the bathroom. I talked to Ron before the service then went in and sat down. Lars did the announcements and the service began. The choir anthem went very well. The performance is usually better than the warm-up.
After the service, I spoke to Jennifer about the liver flush. She didn't do it after all. I told her the flush did not bother me at all so she shouldn't be afraid to try it.
I went to Publix and bought food. I brought it home. I brought in the mail from yesterday. I called William but he didn't answer. Then I called Faye. She accepted the call, but was busy talking to the therapist so I just listened to what was going on while I put away the groceries and made breakfast. She talked to me after the therapist left. She was feeling better about the place. William called while I was talking to Faye. I jotted notes for my blog while William talked. I also checked the Lucy Corr website for a floor plan but could not find one.
Then I called Kevin. I asked him to bring a dozen hard-boiled eggs to Faye and Dad and he said he would.
I sat outside in the sun and finished my book. Then I came in and finished an audio on viruses and macrophages. I started one on supplements for brain health, and sorted scraps for dog beds. I found denim in there so I sewed little cases for the magnets to make them easier to handle. It was more difficult than I thought because the magnets got stuck on the throat plate and the scissors. It pulled the needle to the left and screwed up the stitches at times.
My foot seemed to be doing better so I went for a walk. It turned out to be a longer walk than I planned. I went to the back of the neighborhood to the place where people dump their unwanted plants. A nearly dead fern was there. The root ball looked like it was full of small potatoes. There were canna lilies, no roots with them. And a tomato plant. It still had a small red tomato on it, so I picked it and took it with me.
When I got home, I saw Chris had called. I called him back. The base is still on lock-down so he did not go anywhere. After talking to him, I did the Wim Hoff exercise for today: another 4 rounds of breathwork and a cold shower. I nearly passed out on the breathing and skipped the cold shower.
I made salad using some of the dandelion that I bought at Publix. I put the rest in a jar of water to re-hydrate. Then I read e-mail. I called Faye again. She said no one came to see Dad. I looked up low aldosterone which might be Dad's problem. I told Faye about it, then she had to get Dad ready for bed. I watched an episode of Royal Pains while stretching and using the massage ball. I took the first round of evening supplements. I made more vitamin mix for tomorrow. I got ready for bed, then wrote my blog post. I used the EmWave to relax, took a round of binders and went to bed.
* These are the covered magnets. The darker side is the north pole and the lighter side is the south pole. *

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