Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chi Shield is back

I got up soon after the alarm rang. I brushed and swished. I put on an interview from the Heal summit. I went outside to add recyclables to bin at curb. I cleaned the kitchen, and washed dishes. I scrubbed part of the top shelf of the fridge. Patrick called to tell me about two bills that came to Dad's house. I called Faye, but there was no answer, so I called William. Afterward, I sent Faye a text about it. I made a vitamin powder mix. A man from Housing came to check water heater, and replace the AC filter. I mentioned the ripped screen and he repaired it.
I made pre-breakfast mixes, then breakfast. I ate it while listening to the beginning of an interview on brain health.
I packed a project with my featherweight and went to quilting. It was good to chat with the ladies. While sewing triangles, I decided the belt needs to be tightened, but I didn't have a screwdriver long enough. I added a row of triangles to the stack-n-whack quilt. Then we all packed up and went home.
I called Faye. She said Dad did really well at therapy this morning. I looked up a liver recipe. I took a package of lamb liver from the fridge and put it in a bowl. I poured milk over it and put it back in the fridge. Dr. Lee had called and left a message. So after the call with Faye, I called him back. He wants me to come over tomorrow to set up an appointment with some agency. He kept saying it was very important. Well, I have plans for tomorrow. I may or may not be able to get there.
I filled a bottle with water and put some vitamin powder in it. I did 4 rounds of Wim Hoff breathwork. The 10-day class is over but I plan to continue that part of it. Then I went to my massage.
When I got there, I sat to wait my turn. Gabriele gave me the Chi Shield back. She said she thought it helped at home, but wasn't certain. Still, she plans to get one and would like to buy mine if I don't want it. We had a chat before the massage. We talked through most of it as well, and she really dug in. I felt pretty good afterward and went to her office to pay her. I drank some of my vitamin water, then she let me out of the store and I went home.
I ate some seed crackers with the dregs of a package of salsa. I don't know why the top was bulging out, but it smelled and tasted ok. I also ate a pomegranate and some unpoured fat bombs. I went outside to shake the fallen leaves off of my comforter and bring it into the house. It is supposed to rain tomorrow. The comforter smells better after being outside for a day and a half.
My tapping buddy was online so we worked together on her problems. Then I called Chris. He is participating in a 3 mile run tomorrow morning so he did not talk long. I assume he went to bed early.
Then I listened to the rest of the interview on brain health. There was some sales pitch in it. I watched one episode of Royal Pains. I did some roller work and stretching. Then I listened to classical music while clearing out a few more e-mails.
I wrote my blog post and got ready for bed.
* This pic is from the quilt show. That black thing in the corner is a pelican, I think. *

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