Wednesday, October 16, 2019

It was like Christmas

My foot hurt last night and I wondered if the walk was a bad idea. I overslept waiting for alarm to go off, but I hadn't brought the phone to bed. Sigh. I got up at 9:30. I brushed and swished. I played a podcast on the desktop while cropping the pictures from last night on my laptop. I did exercises and drybrushed, then meditated and tapped.
Having gotten up late, I had to curtail my morning routine a little. Then I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms and washed dishes. I took a shower with a cold finish and dressed in shorts and t-shirt. I emptied the coffee grounds and used sumac seeds outside. I made some dandelion and ginger tea.
Then I went to the Korean clinic. I spent two hours filling out forms for licensure in Texas. They decided Hawaii was too expensive. As I worked, she put dried fruits and nuts with sugar on the desk for me. Later I looked at the bag and all the ingredients were organic, including the sugar. Sigh.
William called while I was there to give me an update on Dad. I forgot to mention yesterday that Dad was taken to the hospital after falling. But nothing was broken and they just kept him overnight for observation. However, they gave him a variation of one of his meds today and it sank his blood pressure. So they are keeping him another day.
It was after 4 when I left. I went to the post office. There was a small package shoved into the box, and a yellow slip for a bigger one from the front desk. When I got home, there was another package in front of the door, and an aloe plant from Julia – marked Aloe-llujah. Ha, ha.
I finished the interview on liver health. It was getting chilly so I put on pants and watered the flowers. I sat in the back yard to read. At 6 I came in to warm up.
I listened to part of another audio, then paused it to put on a coat (gasp!) and go to church. When I got there, most of the choir was assembled. I talked to Lars, who said all the offering envelops had been destroyed. I asked Bill how his wife was doing. I think he doesn't expect her to come home now that she is in long term care.
After choir practice I talked to Jennifer who watched the same liver health video that I did. She wants to do the liver flush too. Then I went home, noticing how hot it got in my car with the heat turned up and the blower off.
When I got home, I called the lady about her destroyed check and she graciously offered to write another one. I was hungry so I tested my blood sugar, and it was 70. I called Faye for an update on Dad. He had a long nap after the blood pressure incident and he was well-hydrated after an IV. He is expected to be discharged tomorrow.
After that call, I followed Wim Hoff doing his special method. It is like hyperventilating and then not breathing for a minute or so. This time he held for 90 seconds. I made it but just barely. Chris called. He told me about his Interview today and thought it went well. I fFinished a video from earlier. Then I watched an episode of Frasier. I ordered more vitamin patches. Then I brushed my teeth and posted to my blog so I could get ready for bed.
* A present from Julia *

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