Sunday, December 15, 2019

A visit with Julia

I got up early. I took EDTA (for detoxing from mold), and went back to bed. Then Chris' phone rang. He rushed to pick it up, but they had hung up. Then there was a message from Marie, giving him a number to call. He called, and she answered. He wished her a happy birthday. She had called on behalf of Cecily who was anxious because she hadn't heard from Chris recently enough. We had a nice conversation and hung up.
I took a shower, read e-mail, and got dressed for church. I took my choir folder and headed out. When I got there, the choir was already assembled. I joined them and we sang through several times. After dismissal, I told Jennifer that I was unsure of one measure, so we went to the organ and rehearsed it. Then I went out to get a bulletin.
During the service. Don was late getting his offering out, so I offered to pass it on later. After the service, I put it in the plate and then put the plate's contents in the safe. Roz, who is over 90, played a Pachabel postlude and everyone clapped. Don went over with his rolator to congratulate her. I talked to Bill, whom I hadn't seen in a while.
I went home. I changed clothes and sat with Chris, who was watching something based on DC comics. He heated up leftovers for me. I read e-mail as I ate. Then we went to Publix for groceries. Instead of going straight home, we went to St. Thomas where we waited for the meat lady. Only, I was there for eggs, and bought two dozen. When we came home, we put the food away. Chris cooked pumpkin on the stove. He gave me a massage. After some time, he put bananas in the freezer while I ate the last of the previous batch of pumpkin banana cream.
I did some handsewing while watching TV with Chris. Then I made breakfast. As I was assembling the ingredients, I could hear that my neighbor was home, so I went over there with the gift. When she opened it, she was complimentary. We talked as she stirred caramel. When it was ready, she poured it in a flat pan to cool and harden. She gave me some for Chris. Then she made another batch. She said I must be good luck, because the batches cooked quickly and turned out right. We had a nice visit together and she told me to come back any time.
When I got home, it was 8. Chris put on Netflix and called up ST:NG. We watched two episodes. I saw a text from Julia about toxic dumping on Redstone. Then Chris went to bed while I stayed up to blog.
* This is Peggy's quilt top from last weekend. *

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