Monday, December 30, 2019

First therapy session

When I got up this morning, Dad had taken his synthroid and was half dressed. I helped a little, and picked pants for him. My voice was so hoarse that I could barely speak, and he could barely hear.
Then he went to the kitchen to put on his shoes and get his dentures and hearing aid. He also made his own breakfast and ate it standing at the sink. I threw his sheets in the washer, got myself dressed, and did some of the usual morning stuff, then made my breakfast.
I was still eating when a man from Executive Care came by at 10 with some papers for Dad to sign so they could take funds from his checking account weekly to pay the day nurse. Dad signed his name really well, three times. The man said the day nurse would come by tomorrow to meet with us at 11. I texed the info to Faye who wants to be there. He also said they charge .75 a mile to take him to appointments, and that the caregivers do not do any manipulations with patients (like stretches).
I read e-mail for a bit, then went to the bedroom. I was in Dad's closet arranging the shirts and pants into matching pairs so he could choose easily. Chris noticed the time and started cuing Dad to get his coat on. I went to the den to help. We got Dad in the car and a rollator in the trunk.
Chris drove all of us to Sheltering Arms for therapy. He let us out at the front door and went to park. Dad rolled inside and sat down while I waited to check in. Then we waited for his therapist to come for us. I followed Dad and the therapist back to the gym. She gave him a 6 minute walking endurance test, which he passed. In fact, though he said he worked hard, his blood pressure stayed the same. She had him do exercises standing at the sink with a therapy band tied around his legs. She also had him practice standing and sitting. Then he was free to go and we took him home.
He and I had some lunch. I looked for yogurt in the fridge and found a large one full of mold. No telling how long it had been there. I threw it out. After lunch, he rested in his chair with his feet up. Chris and I made his bed. I folded laundry and hung Dad's up. I listened to some audios online.
Dad and I went for a walk about 4. It was the usual 15 minutes to the end of the street and back.
Chris went to the grocery store and then made dinner. It was a sirloin tip roast, tiny potatoes, and snow pea pods. He made the roast rare, like I prefer, but it was too hard for my dad to chew. (It was a little hard for me, too) So he just ate the vegetables. I gave him some applesauce too.
After dinner he rested and Chris and I watched Lost in Space while sitting together in the living room. After one episode I went looking for Dad. He was in the bathroom and looking confused. I got him right and then went back to Chris. We watched another episode. When I checked on Dad, he was getting ready for bed even though it was only 8. He had taken his evening pills, and cleaned his dentures. I helped him get dressed for bed, knowing he was probably worn out from the therapy. I stretched his legs and hips, then put the wedge under him and bid him goodnight. Patrick came home. I watched one more episode with Chris, then checked again. Dad was sleeping comfortably.
I sat down to write to my blog. Patrick asked if he could have one of Dad's subs. I figured Dad would say yes so I said yes. My stomach did not feel good, so I put some peppermint oil in water and drank it. When my blog was written, I got dressed for bed and helped Chris unfold it and put the blankets on.
* I didn't take any pics today so here is one from the other day when I washed the dresser scarves. *

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