Sunday, December 29, 2019

He sleeps alone

It was a long night. He slept restlessly all night, keeping me up. I turned the lights off while he was sleeping, but each time he woke up, I turned them on with the clicker. He was able to go to the bathroom by himself. But I did have to get up to straighten the covers and move the cushion.
Dad woke up about 7. He went to the bathroom and I thought he took his synthroid. I had a sore throat, but Dad seemed to be fine. I checked on Chris and he seemed sick like me. I waited until 8, then called Faye to tell her we couldn't go to church. He wanted to go, so I helped him get dressed, doing only the most lengthy parts. He made his own breakfast and ate it while I boiled water to sterilize all my water bottles. I brushed and swished. Dad was ready to go so I suggested going for a walk. Just as we got outside, Faye arrived. I supervised him walking down the ramp to her car. She took him to church.
My head itch came back. I used tea tree oil drops diluted in vodka and the itch subsided. I squeezed a lemon into hot water and drank it. I made vitamin water and breakfast. Then I boiled the squeezed lemon and some cinnamon sticks and cloves. I ate breakfast, and read e-mail. I drank the lemon water I made for Chris because he didn't want it. But he did accept a packet of vitamin C.
I looked all over for a spray bottle so I could clean the bathrooms with Hydrogen peroxide. I did not find one. I looked up DIY fog juice. It's the glycerin that makes the fog! This information could come in handy.
I swept the kitchen floor twice, getting a pile of dirt each time. Then I mopped it twice. I also mopped the strip of floor I could see between the livingroom and the diningroom. I put on a nitrile glove and used disinfectant wipes to clean the back bathroom. I had just started on the hall bath when Patrick came in. I told him to go ahead, thinking he'd only be a few minutes, but apparently it was time for his hour shower. I used the wipe to do a bunch of doorknobs, then put the cannister away.
Chris went to the grocery store to get stuff for supper. I laid on the couch to rest and put on a podcast to listen to. Patrick finished his shower and came out. He started talking to me. But he must have been late for something. He rushed around, then finally left. I laid down again, and then Chris came home with pork chops. We watched a show together, and then Faye and Dad came back. She made a list while I took him walking. Then they went shopping, but only to one store. They came back with groceries while Chris was cooking supper. We all ate together at the diningroom table. Faye wanted to talk about the meeting tomorrow and what duties we need a nurse to perform for Dad during the day while Faye works. The conversation went on for some time and Dad seemed very interested. He thought we did not need Darleen to stay with him at night, so we proposed having him sleep alone tonight. We told him to get himself ready for bed. He did, though not in the most timely manner.
Faye had to go home. I supervised Dad getting into bed. I stretched his legs and hips, and put the cushion under his calves to reduce the swelling. He refused to have anything to do with the alarm buzzer. He insisted he could call out my name loud enough to reach me in the livingroom.
I sat with Chris to watch Lost in Space for 20 minutes. I checked on Dad who was asleep and then finished the episode. I checked again and Chris took rice pudding out of the oven. He and Patrick had some. I drank some of the cinnamon water that had been simmering all day. We watched two more episodes of Lost in Space. I checked on my dad, took my bedtime supplements, got dressed for bed and wrote my blog post. Chris and I dressed the hide-a-bed in the livingroom and I slept there, hoping Dad would be fine.
* More Christmas lights from last night. *

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