Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dad duty

We slept in. When I got up, it was after 9. I brushed and swished. I read e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. Then I took a shower. I got dressed, and packed up. I cleaned a few places. Chris made himself lunch. I scrubbed the shower. Then I packed food in the cooler. I packed up my computer. Chris brought the car around. We loaded the car, hugged Michele goodbye,and left around 12:20.
As we drove, we put on the book on CD. I slept off and on, but basically kept up with the story. We braved heavy traffic and went to Cecily's house for frozen Thanksgiving leftovers. Then we went to Dad's house. We unloaded the car. I noticed how dirty the living room rug was, so I vacuumed the livingroom rug. Then Faye showed up with Dad. I talked to Faye about Dad and what care he needed.
While Dad was in the bathroom, I wrapped packages that got delivered to Dad's house. I talked to Dad in the den. I laid down on the couch hoping he would sleep in the chair. But he never quite did. Chris made supper from the Thanksgiving leftovers. Dad started eating, then he went to the bathroom again. When he came back, he finished supper and ate stuff from the fridge. He went to the bathroom again. I spent the time putting labels on packages. Then I checked on him and he needed cleaning up. So I did that, then helped him get dressed for bed. He walked to the kitchen to do his dentures and such. Then we went back to the bedroom for exercises and stretches. Patrick showed up, and took out garbage. His stretches were quite a workout for me. I left him with his legs raised. I checked e-mail for 15 minutes. Then I checked on Dad. He was sleeping. I read more e-mail and listened to podcasts, and did some tapping. Then I wrote my blog post and got myself ready for bed.
* This is Michele at the restaurant in Fairfax. *

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