Thursday, December 5, 2019

World Soil Day

The house was cold this morning because we had turned the heat off last night in order to hear the TV, and we forgot to turn it back on. I got up about 7 and turned the heat on. I brushed and swished. I stretched my left leg and foot. I mixed up a bottle of vitamin water and one of vinegar water.
My blood sugar was 93. I ate some dried jujubes. I got an e-mail from the dentist to confirm an appointment for next week at 8am. I called and said my appointment was for 9:30, and that 8 was too early. So I had to reschedule. The earliest they had was in February. I watered the inside plants, the outside plants and the garage plant. I picked a tiny tomato from the stalk in the garage which was showing new growth.
I listened to episode 2 of the Fatty Liver summit. I started a new batch of sprouts. My one hour after jujube blood sugar was 126. I poured boiling water into two small glass jars to sterilize them. Then I scooped some home made yogurt into each one.
I got dressed and took one jar to the chiropractic clinic. I had to have my back stretched before I could see the doctor. Then I gave him the jar. He seemed pleased. As he adjusted my spine, we talked about stem cell therapy. He checked the glide on both wrists. Then I checked out at the front desk. I did not have to pay this time, but next January is a different matter.
When I got home, I made breakfast, refilling some of the containers. It was sunny out, so I ate breakfast in the back yard. Then I put my machine in my trunk and went to quilting.
The place was full since it was pot luck day. I had to park far to the back. I decided not to drag my machine so far. So I just went in without it. The ladies were talking, having just finished lunch. I talked to several people, then settled next to Marjorie to hear all about her dogs. Gerry gave me a crocheted spool cushion. After Marjory left, I talked to Leanne, who was making embroidered ornaments. At two we started packing up. Then her blood sugar dropped because she had taken too much insulin after lunch. Christy and I stayed while she ate cookies to balance her blood sugar. When she went out to her car, we waited some more. Eventually I went home.
When I got home, I searched for the fabric wreath that I made in Korea, but with no luck. I checked the weather, then put the tomato plant out to get pollinated. I auditioned Christmas fabric for the front door. I brought in the mail. There was one piece for the neighbors, so I delivered it. I ate a banana.
I chose a fabric and made a 'gift' to hang on the door. I started cutting a backing, then stopped to make a salad for supper. I ate it in front of my laptop, reading e-mail. Then I ate some of the pulled pork with salsa. I called my sister to see how things were going. I got to talk to Dad for a little bit. I forgot to tell him that today is World Soil Day.
Then Skype rang on the desktop. I pulled Skype up on my laptop and tried to answer it. The connection was bad so she called again and this time it was fine. We tapped for my issues until almost 9. Then Chris and I watched an episode of ST:NG. Afterward, Chris went to bed, and I stayed up to blog.
* This is the new growth on my tomato plant. *

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