Friday, December 6, 2019

Yogurt for kimchi?

I heard the alarm go off at 7:30. I got up soon after. I brushed and swished. I made vitamin water and vinegar water. I collected a sample for Viome and packaged it for mailing. Then I went on their website to register the kit, but it was already registered. I noted that new kits are cheaper than the ones I previously bought on sale. I added updated info to my account.
I watered the plants, and listened to interviews from the Fatty Liver summit. I read e-mail and unsubscribed from a bunch of newsletters. Dr. Lee called to say I should come by the clinic because he had kimchi for me from Dr. Grace. So I got dressed. I picked knotted stitches out of an embroidery project that my mother barely started. I thought Michele might want it.
At 10 I went to the post office to mail the sample. I found a package of supplements in our box. Then I went to the Korean clinic. He gave me kimchi, and I gave him a jar of anti-aging yogurt. When I got home, I started the pre-breakfast mixes. Then I made and ate breakfast. It was not a sunny day so I stayed inside. I tasted the yogurt. The flavor was good, but the consistency was gummy. After breakfast, I got out all my supplements and made up two weeks worth of dosages.
Chris came home from a work party. I sat at my sewing machine and pieced a back for the doorhanging. Then I went for a walk and some fresh air. As I walked, I noted that everyone has a black door, and few were decorated. Of those that were, only one wreath actually showed up against the black.
When I got back, I put some pulled pork and kimchi in a dish. I sat on the couch beside Chris, who apparently ran out of e-mail and was listening to music from the '80's. Then I made a large salad. After supper, I looked for a piece of batting for the doorhanging. I wasn't happy with what I found. I went back to e-mail and found a tapping video. Then William called from the grocery store. Afterward, I called Faye. As usual, she was worrying about lining up supervision for Dad when he gets out of rehab.
Chris and I watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then we watched a documentary about a prehistoric fish. Then I typed up my blog so we could retire for the night.

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