Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Taking a trip on Christmas Eve

It was a long night because Dad kept the lights on so he could see to get up in the middle of the night. But I could tell by his breathing that he wasn't sleeping well. And neither was I. He got up twice, not too far apart, toward midnight. He slept after that.
Chris woke me at 6 to give Dad his synthroid. Then he and I both went back to bed. I got up later, discovered it was 7:30, and rushed to get him cleaned and dressed. He went out to the den to put on his shoes while I got myself ready. Then he put in his dentures and hearing aid. I had just handed him a container of yogurt when Faye showed up. I fed him the yogurt, she put on his coat, and we got in her van.
She drove us to Sheltering Arms for two therapy appointments. We were early to do paperwork as they suggested, but it was more time than Faye needed to answer questions and sign stuff. We followed the OT back to her office. We talked and she gave Dad tests to see what his baseline levels were. Then she turned us over to a PT who basically did the same thing. William called so I talked to him for a bit, then concentrated on what the therapist was doing.
After the appointments, Faye tried to make more appointments, but they said they'd call her. So we left, and did some walking around the parking lot with Dad. Then we got in her van and rode to the gas station, and then home. We talked about Christmas eve services. We looked at the new ramp William had made to get the walker over the lip of the bathroom door.
After while, Faye left. Dad and I had breakfast. Chris started supper in the oven. Dad and I went for a walk down the road in front of his house. We stopped twice for him to rest. When we got back, we brought in the mail. Dad napped in his chair with his feet up while I washed the juicer, made cruciferous juice, and then washed the juicer again, and everything else. What a mess it made. I threw the pulp out. Dad drank several cups of the juice, rested for awhile, then drank more. Chris started cooking something on the stove, and said the oven ran cool so the sweet potatoes were not done. I checked e-mail and jotted notes for my blog.
Chris dished up a plate for Dad. I made a plate for myself. He and I ate together while Chris ate in front of his laptop. When Dad finished, I went to his bedroom with him to get him dressed for church. Then I dressed myself. Chris and I got Dad in his car, and we went to Christmas Eve service at my dad's church. Faye was already there and waiting. She got Dad out of the car. The brass ensemble was playing outside the church. They greeted Dad but he didn't hear them. We went inside and Faye installed Dad in a pew by the door. Chris and I sat behind them. A lady was playing pre-service music on flute. Then the service began. At first it was a list of readings followed by Christmas hymns. Then the pastor gave a sermon. After that, we had candlelighting. Then the service was over. There was lots of greeting and well-wishing. Then Faye installed Dad in Chris' car and we took him home. I sang Christmas songs for the whole ride. When we got to the house, Dad asked who was singing and I admitted to it. He thanked Chris for driving. Then I assisted him in walking to the ramp. But something went wrong at the transition to the ramp and he fell. Chris helped me pick him up. He sat on the rollator and we rolled him the rest of the way. Chris went to mass somewhere. Dad walked to the bedroom and I dressed him for bed, checking for bruises. I put salve on some small abrasions. Then he did his dentures and such. Kurt and I got him into bed. We tried to fix the bed slats, but there was something odd going on.
Kurt told me all about his bad sector problem while waiting for Chris to come home from mass. I checked a little e-mail. Chris came back and they talked. We called Al and Cecily and Marie in Vietnam. Then, because Kurt agreed to stay with Dad tonight, Chris opened the hide-a-bed and we slept there.

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