Saturday, December 7, 2019

Local retreat

I got up about 8:30. I brushed and swished. I took supplements at intervals. I made vitamin water, vinegar water, and dandelion tea. I read e-mail, and listened to episode 4 of the docu-series. Chris kept interrupting it to complain about it.
I finished the pre-breakfast mixes, then made and ate breakfast. I cut 4 strips for binding. I packed projects and batting for sewing. I looked up the route to the hotel. While moving bags to the car, I discovered a box on our porch. Chris brought it in while I took my stuff out to the car and headed out.
I had no trouble finding the hotel where the modern quilt guild was having a sewing weekend. Someone had 'donated' the use of the meeting room to us. I grabbed all of my bags and went inside. The nice lady at the desk pointed me to the meeting room. There were quilters inside, just sewing away. I found a nice spot to park my bags. Then I went to the back door. I asked Amanda to hold it open while I got my machine from the car and rolled it over. Then she held the door for the next quilter to drive up.
I sewed the binding strips together, pressed it in half, then sewed it to the blue quilt. I was surprised to find it 4 inches short.
Then I assembled the doorhanging and quilted it. I had a good time chatting with the ladies around me. Two of us took a break to sign cards to go with the auction items. Then I got out my bottles and took regular swigs while I made 3 placemats.
The manager of the hotel invited us to partake of the supper buffet they have for guests. So Peggy and I went to check it out. She ate a hotdog and I got a salad. Two other quilters joined us. Then I went back for a baked potato and sour cream. We talked about the Whole30 diet, which did a lot for her and her husband.
After supper, I went back to the room and pieced some batting to make a fourth placemat. Then I had to decide whether to leave my stuff there for tomorrow or take it with me. I decided to pack up and take it with me, leaving myself the option of coming back tomorrow afternoon.
I packed up and drove home. Chris had cooked pumpkin so I ate a small piece. We watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then we made the bed with freshly washed sheets. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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