Saturday, December 21, 2019

Episode IX

I had trouble falling asleep again last night. I wore my sleep mask because there are no curtains in Michele's condo. (I gave her some but she never hung them). I woke up during the night, peeked out from the mask, saw that it was dark and went back to sleep. But eventually dawn came. I still stayed in bed, but when I heard my alarm ring in the kitchen, I got up to turn it off.
I brushed and swished. I made vitamin water and boiled chunks of turmeric root on Michele's stove. She doesn't have a teapot. I took a protein supplement and jotted notes to my blog while waiting to take the vitamin C. I got a message from Faye that Dad was able to get to the bathroom during the night unassisted, and that he dressed himself this morning. Amazing.
I made and ate breakfast. Then I washed up and got dressed. Michele had printed out a ticket for the four of us to see the new Star Wars movie. We rode in her car to the Regal Cinemas. We thought Kurt was waiting for us, but it turns out he was at a different Regal Cinema. So Chris and I went into the theater to sit down, and Michele waited for Kurt in the lobby. I didn't even notice when those two took their seats. I was watching the half hour of previews for coming attractions. (In Huntsville we only have 25 minutes of previews). It was a good movie, but there were unanswered questions. I got the feeling that Ren and Rae were related somehow. So on the way home, we discussed parentage.
When we got back to the condo, we settled in and then Kurt arrived. Chris and Michele went to the grocery store while Kurt and I talked about parentage. He asked questions beginning with “Ok Google”, and then a voice on his phone would answer the question. It was kind of cool.
Chris and Michele came back with food. Chris put bacon in the oven and potatoes on the stove. Kurt tried to get my phone to answer questions, but it just wouldn't. Then he left so he wouldn't have to drive home in the dark.
I read and deleted e-mail. Chris put fish in the oven, and when it was done, declared supper ready. He also cooked asparagus. We each ate with our electronic device. Then the three of us put the leftovers away. I listened to a podcast and worked my way through more e-mail.
Then the three of us sat together on the day bed and watched the Spider-verse movie on my laptop. Michele's desktop monitor was bigger, but it has no speakers. Hint, hint. Anyway, it was good. Then Chris went to bed while I stayed up to blog and Michele stayed up to watch something else.
* This is Kurt and his dinner last night. *

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