Monday, December 23, 2019

HIPAA rules block appointment

It was a long night. I slept (or tried to) in Dad's room. He got up at least 3 times. The last time, he fell while trying to get back in bed. He was lying on the floor between the bed and the rolator which was up against the dresser. There was no way I could move him. But he said only his pride was hurt. He scooched on his butt until he got to the end of the bed. Then he rolled over onto his hands and knees, then was able to pull himself up. That whole process took a lot longer than it sounds. Then he laid down and went to sleep. It took me a long time to go back to sleep. When I peeked at the window and saw daylight up at the top, I checked the clock. It was almost 8. I hated to wake him up, but I had to give him a pill. Then we both tried to sleep, but to no avail. So we did his exercises and stretches. Most of them are marked for 10 reps each side, but I could only do 2 before my back complained.
Then I let him change his pajamas for day wear. That took about an hour. Then we walked out to the kitchen. I straightened the bed while he did his dentures and hearing aids. After that, I watched him make breakfast – cheerios and shredded wheat. I washed some strawberries and put them on top.
While he was eating, I made my own breakfast and ate it. And we shared a banana.
At Faye's request, I called the doctors on the list to see if any appointments were made, or to schedule follow-ups as mentioned in the discharge paperwork. The first doctor office on the list would not allow me to make an appointment because my name was not on the HIPAA list. At first I was going to skip the rest of the list, but speculated that not all doctors will be so picky. So I called the others, had to leave messages for some, but was able to make one appointment.
Dad napped in his chair while I cleared all the messages from his answering machine. Then I checked my e-mail. When he woke up, we had lunch together. Chris went out to buy supplies for supper. Patrick got ready quickly so he could catch a ride. Dad rested with his feet up for a bit, then we both put our coats on and went for a walk. He used his rolator and went down the ramp, along the driveway and into the street. We walked toward Old Coach for a bit, then turned around and walked to just past the cul-de-sac. Then we went back up the driveway and in the back door. Dad went back to his chair and fell asleep.
I read a book that is due soon. It made me sleepy so I laid down in the back bedroom. I dozed on and off until Dad woke up and came back to use the bathroom. I went out to the den. Faye called. I talked to her for some time. Chris made curry chicken soup and put out bowls for Dad and me. Dad and I sat down to eat. Afterward, I put the soup and rice into jars to cool.
Patrick made an appearance. He noted the chicken curry and I said he could have some, but he said later, and went out the door to someplace across the main street. I sat with Chris and we watched one episode of ST:NG. Then I prompted Dad to get ready for bed, starting with dentures. Eventually we worked our way to the bedroom where he changed his clothes. Then Chris helped me do Dad's stretches and exercises. Finally, we adjusted his position in bed. Dad wanted the lights on for when he wakes up to go to the bathroom. I went out to the diningroom to post to my blog and read some e-mail before retiring to a blowup bed in Dad's room. I forgot to mention adding air to the bed. Also at some point I boiled turmeric root to make more turmeric water. But I can't say exactly where in my day that happened.
Update: While finalizing this post, Patrick came back, full of chatter and hungry.
* Christmas lights in Fairfax. *

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