Friday, December 13, 2019


I stayed up late looking at the invoice that the functional medicine practitioner sent me, and looking for ways to reduce the price. It included two months worth of 9 supplements, and totaled over $1000. I tried to collect my thoughts on the issue, but was too tired. So I went to bed, but it was late. I had to leave the router on because my laptop was still downloading to the new one.
When I woke up, the ringing in my ears had increased. I got up, took some EDTA, and went back to bed until my alarm rang. Then I brushed and swished. I put on a presentation of metabolic disease, and mended the sweatshirt that Chris laid on my sewing table. He said he bought it when he was 17. This is the first time I have mended it.
I sat down to compose a response to the invoice. I looked for other supplements that were equivalent to the ones they were selling. I kept finding other things to do because focusing on that was hard. Once the message was sent, I went back to interviews. One speaker said you should restrict blood flow in arms and legs by 40% when working out to build muscle fiber faster.
I made and ate breakfast, then got ready for quilting. I did not have my watch on and was late leaving. When I got there, turnout was light. I showed off my blue blue quilt. Carol took pics of it, which later would find their way to the Stitch-Its Facebook page. Then I quilted while listening to the conversations around me. Some people left at 2. Pat came in late and stayed until 3. I left with Christy, not long after. When I got home, I ordered powders for the green powder mix I have with breakfast. I checked e-mail and listened to interviews. I made a salad for supper. I was eating and tapping, when Chris came home from work. I saw that he got the box from the front porch. I put in a few rows of quilting.
At 7 I sat down to a skype call with my tapping buddy. We shared our respective week, and then tapped for her 2nd chakra issues. It took almost 2 hours. Afterward, Chris and I watched one episode of St:NG. I got so sleepy, that I went to bed with Chris, leaving my blog writing for tomorrow.
* This is a quilt that Jane displayed on Tuesday. *

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