Friday, December 27, 2019

The amazing Earl

I woke up about 8. I went to Dad's room to get him up for his synthroid. But, to my amazement, he said he had gotten up at 6 and taken it all by himself. So, I supervised him getting dressed for the day. Then he walked out to the kitchen to put in his dentures.
Patrick helped me vacuum the living room and dining room. I moved chairs while he swept. Dad made his breakfast and ate it standing at the countertop. Then he sat down and I gave him a banana and yogurt and a fat bomb. He rested while I made and ate mine.
In preparation for the meeting with the agency that provides in-home care, I cleaned dining room table, and called William to find out where the broom was. I had to go to the shed to find it. I swept the kitchen floor and utility room. I washed dishes by hand. I set chairs around the table in the dining room. Dad sat in one and I sat in another. We talked as we waited for the agency people to arrive. Dad wanted Kurt to be here. Faye called, expecting the lady from the agency to be here. Because the lady wasn't here yet, Faye called them. Then she called back to tell us they weren't coming until Monday – no explanation.
Kurt and I took Dad for a walk. Then he rested while I jotted notes. Kurt and I discussed the current movies and which might actually be good. Kurt talked to Faye and they decided to see Knives Out. I gave Dad something for lunch and then we went for another walk before dark.
Kurt went to the library to pick up Patrick while Chris cooked supper. Faye came over. Kurt came in with Patrick. The bunch of us were chatting when there was a knocking at the door. The man across the street came for a visit. He told us about his granddaughter, then left after Kurt, Faye and Patrick left for dinner and a movie.
Chris put together a plate for Dad. Dad sat down to eat while I made a plate for myself. After supper I ate a chocolate fat bomb with coconut flakes. It was pretty good. I set some jars of coconut oil on the register in the kitchen to melt. I washed a section of the diningroom, removing the tablecloths on a side table. They were dirty and stained so I put them in a bucket to soak.
I watched one episode of Lost in Space with Chris. Then I cued Dad to get ready for bed. He decided to wash himself with Attends, possibly thinking it would get him out of having to shower tomorrow. But it won't. I scrubbed some Corelleware with a magic eraser to get the stains off. I also washed the stove and the front of the microwave.
I jotted more notes for my blog. Then I went back and read a book while supervising Dad out of the side of my eye. When he got in bed, I ran him through a few stretches. Meanwhile Kurt and Patrick came home. When Dad was resting comfortably, I went out to talk to Kurt. He told me he had seen Knives out three times now and it didn't get old. I downloaded f.lux to eliminate the blue light from my computer screen. I typed up my blog and then went to bed with Chris. Kurt offered to spend one more night with Dad.
* Palpatine? *

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