Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Snow - No snow

I heard my alarm ring at 7:30 but it took me awhile to talk myself into getting out of bed. I stayed up too late writing my blog post last night. When I got up, I looked outside to see the snow. I took a good look because it wouldn't last.
I brushed and swished and listened to interviews. I made coffee. I exercised, meditated and tapped. I cleaned the bathrooms and washed the rugs, along with a shirt that I was trying to get stains out of. I scrubbed the floor tiles with an old toothbrush. Then I took a shower while the rugs were drying. I got the floor wet and set up the fan to dry it. I dried myself and got dressed. The Korean doctors are in Korea so I had the afternoon free.
I swept the common areas. Then I sat in backyard and read. The snow was gone but it was still cold, so I only had one bare foot on the grass. Then I went inside to warm up. I read through the protocol and other info that the functional health practitioner sent. It was a lot to do and think about. But there was no bill, yet.
I made breakfast and vitamin water. Then, Chris came home. I read e-mail while I ate. My laptop was delivered and Chris answered the door. I opened the box and he took it out. I ate some heart soup while he warmed up the laptop. I answered some health questions on a website. It got slower and slower. It took 15 minutes just to scroll down to the bottom of the page to answer the last question. It took almost 10 minutes to register the answer. I couldn't wait.
I walked next door to Stacey's house with my choir folder. She was just coming out, or she saw me coming. We got in her car and she drove to church. When everyone else arrived, Jennifer had us practice three songs – that is all that is left for the year. Then we went up front to practice singing in place. Melody directed the one for Christmas Eve because Jennifer will be in Canada with her family.
When we got home from choir, Stacey pulled up in front of my driveway. We chatted for a while longer, then I bid her good night and went inside. The temp was just above freezing.
I sat in the living room with Chris and we watched one episode of ST:NG. I sipped vitamin water and took evening supplements. I had to close Waterfox because it was horked up. Chris told me I had to leave the router on all night to transfer files to the new laptop. I suspected that a wired connection would be faster, but Chris went directly to bed. I finished my vitamin water and wrote my blog post for today. Then I got ready for bed.
* This is one of the quilt tops someone showed off yesterday. *

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