Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's Eve

I slept in the livingroom with Chris, at first. I woke up at 4 to use the bathroom. Then I heard Dad calling Fern, Fern like he'd been at it for some time. So I went into his room and found him sitting on the floor against the bed with his knees pressed against the dresser. I tried to cue him to get on his hands and knees, but he had already expended all his energy to get as far as he did. He said he fell an hour before. I shoved a raised toilet seat under him to get his butt off the floor, but it still wasn't high enough. So I called out for Chris. When I didn't hear a response, I rang the buzzer and he arrived. He said he was already on his way. The buzzer also woke Patrick, so it's good. Now to get Dad to use it...
Chris got behind Dad and pulled him up and the two fell onto the bed. He was wet so I changed him. Then we covered him up and I spent the rest of the night in his room. I turned the lights off, but not being able to breathe kept me awake.
Dad got up around 7:30 to use the bathroom. He took his synthroid too. I handed him some clothes and took a break while he dressed himself. Then he went to the den to get dentures and such. He was tired and had to be cued for everything – except breakfast. I finally got my own breakfast. My stomach hurt on the left side all night, and breakfast didn't stop it. I was tired and worried.
At 10:30 there were strange cars in the driveway and then Faye arrived. The ladies came in the back door with Faye. It was a nurse and Dad's new caregiver. We all sat and talked. The nurse examined him and asked questions to fill out forms. Faye took the caregiver in the back and talked to her at length. Finally the nurse left, and Faye drove the caregiver around to all the places Dad will go for appointments. While they were gone, Dad and I went for a walk. He was not energetic and had to stop and rest at one point. When we got back, he sat in his chair and dozed.
I read some e-mail until Faye came back. I was still not feeling well and did not have any energy. She took my temp but it was normal. We went through the hall closet to weed out what Dad didn't need. Mom's craft supplies were in there. I took some batting and templates. Faye gave me almost a dozen bins to go through later. Kevin came over to cook, but Chris was already cooking so Kevin went home. Faye fed Dad a banana and something else, then took him for a walk. I wasn't hungry. When they got back, Faye demonstrated Dad's homework exercises. They looked easy on paper, but there were a lot of reps. Neither one did all of them. Then Faye went home to get some sleep before going to work.
Chris fixed a bowl of burgundy beef for each of us for dinner. I was skeptical about eating, but I had some of the broth and it set pretty well. So then I ate the rest of it and felt better.
Chris and I sat on the couch to watch Lost in Space while Dad was still eating. Chris got up to check on him and he wanted more. So Chris gave him more. We watched some more. Then Dad wanted me to write a check. We discussed it at length, but there was no talking him out of it.
I suggested he do his dentures. Chris and I resumed our episode. When I checked next, Dad was taking his shoes off. We watched some more. Patrick told me to look in the bedroom. Dad was sitting on the bed. I laid out pajamas for him. When I came back later, he had undressed but did not see his pajamas. I handed them over, and sat with Chris to finish the new season of Lost in Space. Then Dad was dressed. I cued him to lay down and we did his stretches and put his feet up. It took him two hours to get himself ready. I filled all my water bottles for tomorrow. I went to the dining room to write my blog and got sidetracked reading new year wishes on Facebook. I wanted to post something, but I was too tired. I typed up my blog and got ready to sleep in Dad's room because things only go right when someone is there. Did I mention that I hate having a cold, and a pile of dirty tissues, and dry lips?
* I didn't take any pics today, but I found this one that Kurt took. *

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