Monday, January 20, 2020

At least the sleeves are finished

It was after 8 when I got up. Chris had just put two pork roasts in the oven. I brushed and swished. I read e-mail. I made pre-breakfast mixes. I consumed them in the wrong order however. Finally I made it to breakfast.
After eating, I threw projects in with the sewing machine and put the machine in my trunk. It was in the 20's outside. Brrr! I stopped at the gas station to fill up. It was cold standing there. Then when I opened the little book to record the mileage, I found that the ink was frozen. So I headed to the church, and held the pen in front of the heat vent. When I got to the church, the pen was working again. I filled out the book, and then got my machine out of the trunk. I left it by the office door, walked to the quilter's entrance to get inside, then went to the office to bring in the machine.
I set up in the back while the ladies finished lunch. I completed several rocket blocks, and the set of squares. Judy told me about her daughter joining the SCA. When others had cleared out, I used the whole cutting table to measure and cut panels for Chris' costume. Then I packed up and went home.
Chris was still roasting the pork. I pieced a gray strip in order to get a few last little squares for the project. The jewelry shop called and said my watch was ready. But I was in the middle of sewing then.
I auditioned parts for decoration on the ends of the sleeves. When the decision was made, I cut strips and sewed them on, using the sausage roll technique I learned from making pillowcases. I frenched the second decorative seam, and sewed the sleeves to the garment. I had Chris try it on for size. The sleeves were a bit short IMO, but there was little I could do at that point.
Chris pulled the pork out of the oven and shredded it. I had a small bowl of it, plus a can of soup and some carrots. I also ate the last of the anti-aging yogurt.
I cut strips for the yellow collar band on the yellow kimono. I made one long strip and sewed one edge to the edge of the garment, then started handsewing the inside edge so it wouldn't show.
We watched two episodes of ST:NG. I kept sewing. Chris boiled eggs for tomorrow. I forced myself to stop sewing and write my blog post.
* A new lady came today and this is what she has been working on. *

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