Sunday, January 12, 2020

The trouble with numbers

I got up at 8:30, an hour later than I meant to. I brushed, showered and got dressed. Then in a few minutes I had to leave for church.
When I got there, the choir was assembled, but not singing yet. I joined them. We sang through the song which was really nice and simple. Then I went back to my pew and talked to the people behind me until Don showed up. Then I talked to him. He got up and walked away to shake hands with people. He did not take his rollator so I watched him closely. The choir assembled to sing our song as a call to worship. Then the council president made announcements.
The baptismal font was set up in the center aisle. When the pastor invited us to renew our baptismal vows with water, I waited to see how it unfolded. People on the sides were going to the back so they could come down the center aisle. But Don and Jim headed straight for the font. That made sense for them since they were physically compromised. But while Jim came back the same way, Don went against the flow of traffic and out the back. One of the women went to walk with him so he wouldn't fall. Later for communion, I took his arm and walked him to the rail and back.
After church, I wished Cecelia a happy birthday. Then I walked Don out the front door to meet his ride. I went to the garden room to meet with Jim and Lars about problems with numbers for December. It did not take long. When I got to my car, I could not find my keys. I went back in the church and found them on the counter. I must have left them in the pew.
On the way home, I stopped at Tuesday morning for nuts, and found a chocolate mold tray shaped like Lego pieces. Then I went home and changed clothes. I took some protein powder and read e-mail. I went outside looking for dandelion in the sun. When Chris called me in, we went to Publix for groceries, and then put them away. I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail and listening to podcasts. I did no sewing because my left hand and forearm ached so much. I went for a walk to the soccer field and back. I used the massage ball on my back and neck. I started a new coconut milk ferment. I looked up the data behind some of the products mentioned in the podcast.
At 6:45 I heated up the leftover onions and garlic. I ate one egg, and a packet of tuna.
When Chris was done killing the 8pm boss, I sat on the couch with him and watched several episodes of ST:NG, during which I finished the binding on the blue quilt. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.
* Here is a pic from last Tuesday. *

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