Thursday, January 30, 2020

Eating in

I got up around 8, having dreamt about being. I followed my usual morning routine. I sewed seam binding on the shoulders of Chris' costume and finished off the side seams to stop the fraying. At 11:30 I made breakfast. I got dressed and was ready to go to quilting when William called, probably at a thrift store. After the call, I went to quilting, arriving late because there was a lane blocked on Bob Wallace. I set up my machine by Leanne. She showed me more butterflies that she had embroidered. I finished quilting some placemats. I talked to the others. We packed up at 2. I stopped at the store for sympathy cards, and bought a stack for now and in the future.
When I got home, I went for a walk in the sun. I followed the old dirt road, but turned around when I saw two vans parked at the end. I wondered what were they doing that they needed to park in such a secluded spot. When I got home, I sat outside and read, answering texts from two people at the same time.
At quarter of 5, I figured Stacy wasn't going to invite me for supper after all. So I ate supper while reading e-mail. I ate ham and bean soup and a can of tomato soup, and little bit of yogurt. I listened to a podcast on mold and fell asleep. I woke up at 6:30. I read e-mail until 7, then tapped with Nell on her issue. With general conversation, it went until 9. I called Chris, then watched one episode of Royal Pains while using the massage ball. I did a tapping audio on grief, then clipped my fingernails. I took my last supplement, and wrote my blog post. I submitted a complaint to BlogSpot because the PREVIEW button doesn't work. In the process I had to move Blogger from Waterfox to Edge. Now the PREVIEW button works. Sigh.
Now it's time for bed.
* I sewed one more row on this today. *

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