Thursday, January 16, 2020

Chris' new laptop

I got up at 8:30. I brushed and swished. I replied to a message from my massage therapist, agreeing to a 4pm appointment.
I deleted the first round of e-mail. I looked online for a Berkey discount for Jennifer. I did not find one. I cut up some fabric to make a project to work on at quilting. I trimmed threads on a project. I put away the blue and red quilts. Then I started my supplement routine.
I read e-mail, and then made and ate breakfast.
As I was leaving the house with my sewing machine, I found a note from Fedex saying they tried to deliver a package that needed a signature. I wondered how they could have rung the doorbell such that I didn't hear it. There were three options on the slip, detailing how to track my package. But I wanted them to deliver it again. So I called Fedex. I told the man I was leaving, but someone would be here at 4. So he sent the driver a message to come back after 4. Just in case, I turned the slip over and wrote “leave the package” and signed my name. Then I went to quilting.
There were not many ladies at quilting, but then I was a little later than usual. I talked to Pat who was quilting a music-themed item. Then I set up my machine by Leanne. We chatted for some time. Everyone else left but Pat. When she came over to talk, I sewed squares together in 2's, 4's and 8's. At 2pm, I packed up. Soon the other two were ready to go. We made the final adjustments to the room, then left. Pat locked up behind us.
I was home by 2:30. There was a package on the porch. It looked like a laptop. I took it inside and laid it where Chris would find it. Then I went for a walk. It was sunny but cold. I walked up the hill and checked on the daffodils. Some had buds already formed. When I got back, I read e-mail, then left for my massage.
I had thought she'd be running late, but she was on the phone. I sat in the waiting area for less than a minute before she came to get me. We went back to the massage room. I set up the Chi Shield. She thought it was a good idea since the building had a newly installed smart meter. We talked for over half an hour. Finally she left and I got undressed and laid on the table. When she came in, she started at my neck and massaged downward. She remarked on the niacin flush I was having. She spent a lot of time on my left leg. She said people with plantar fasciitis usually have a knot in their calf muscle. She found a large one in mine and worked it thoroughly. She said there was a shin splint starting on the same leg, and it was good to catch it before it got tender.
When the massage was over, I paid her and went home. At home, Chris was not in a good mood. He was on the phone with Mike and doing something with his new laptop. Mike said Kelly had a broken rib, but no clue as to how it happened. I ate the last of the beef ribs, and made a salad. I finished about 7. Then I tapped with and for Nell. Our efforts seemed pretty successful. We were done before 8:30. So I let Chris know I was ready to watch TV. We watched two episodes of ST:NG from the couch. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* This is the latest of Lauri's quilts. *

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